Local news, News

Traffic Accident by Timoty Beach Resort

Published 11 May 2017

Buckie Got It….. as the Frigate Bay Strip develops look at this….Accident in frigate bay by Timothy beach with 2 taxi buses


Local news, News, Politics

Address to the Nation by Dr the Hon Timothy Harris, Prime Minister and Minister of National Security on May 09, 2017

Published 10 May 2017

My Fellow Citizens and Residents, I address you this evening in my capacity as the Prime Minister of our beloved country.


  1. Over the past few days, the public has become aware of news reports that two of our Economic Citizens resident here in the Federation have been alleged to have defrauded State institutions in the Peoples Republic of China of US$100 million.  
  2. There are unfounded allegations that the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis has been harbouring these individuals who are on the Interpol Wanted List and have not cooperated with the Chinese government.  
  3. There is the further baseless allegation that Government Officials were to be paid US$190,000 for protecting these individuals. 
  4. In my capacity as the Prime Minister of this country I wish to make it clear that I reject in the strongest terms the allegation that my Government is harbouring any fugitives in our country. I categorically deny as well the assertion that my Government is somehow failing to cooperate with a request with any country as mandated by law. I state further that no evidence has been provided to law enforcement or otherwise that any public official has been offered or has received any money for protection in this matter. These assertions are a malicious fabrication calculated to tarnish the hard won reputation of our beloved country. 
  5. Here therefore are the facts:  i. The individuals concerned applied for and obtained St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship in September 2013 during the tenure of the Denzil Douglas regime.


    ii. On 26 May, 2014, USNCB Interpol Washington issued what is known as a Red Notice for the two individuals in question. On the face of the Red Notice it is clearly stated that it was circulated to the media including the internet. 



Business, Local news, News

Nevis Culture Minister Brantley welcomes new NCDF CEO

http://sknpulse.com/nevis-culture-minister-brantley-welcomes-new-ncdf-ceo/ #

Published 10 May 2017

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (May 09, 2017) — Deputy Premier of Nevis and Minister of Culture Hon. Mark Brantley, welcomed Jerome Rawlins, the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Nevis Cultural Development Foundation (NCDF) to the position and expressed…

 Rawlins’ tenure with the Foundation began on May 02, 2017, following his appointment to the position by the NCDF Board of Directors. He replaces Keith Scraborough, MBE who is now employed in the Premier’s Ministry.

 “I welcome Mr. Rawlins to the post of CEO of the Nevis Cultural Development Foundation and look forward to great things from him, as he steers the NCDF to fulfil its mandate of cultural preservation for our beloved Nevis.

 “He brings a wealth of management experience which we know will redound to the benefit of the organization and the people of Nevis,” he told the Department of Information on May 09, 2017.


Local news, News

Thieves make off with confiscated Marijuana

Published 10th May, 2017

Basseterre, St. Kitts –  According to reports, last night, (Tuesday 9 May) someone broke into a container stored at the fire station in Basseterre.

The culprit(s) made good with a lot of the marijuana that was busted by armed forces.

We are monitoring this latest development closely.


Local news, News

Search party being organised to search for 17-year-old

Published 10 May 2017

BASSETERRERE, ST. KITTS, May 10th 2017 – Amidst unconfirmed reports that a person of interest is being held in relation to missing 17-year-old Leanna Napoleon, a search party is being organised.

It has been disclosed that relatives and friends were organising the search.

According to the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, Napoleon was last seen on Monday 8th May 2017, around 4:00 pm in the area of Fort Street, although there are others reports that say she was last seen in the Buckley’s area.

“If anyone has any information of the whereabouts of Leanna Napoleon. Please contact Basseterre police station at 465 2241 or the nearest police station or call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 8477. The information you provide will be held confidential and you may be eligible for a reward,” said the police missing report.

Buckie Got It…This statement was release today. Please note that the family and friends of 17 years old Leanna Napoleon aka Tiney, who was last seen on Monday 8th 2017, will be conducting a search in the Buckleys and LaGurite area this afternoon May 10th at 5pm. Any person(s) who might be interested in joining the search are asked to meet the family at the Movies parking lot in Buckleys at 5pm. Please help us bringing Tiney home as there is strength in numbers. Thank you!

The search was not successful at this time but the family is still asking for your help.