Published 31 March 2023
Buckie Got It Media Source
Thursday Hon Samal Duggins celebrated with the National Bank CEMSS Eagles at their victory assembly following their big win at the TDC Inter High School Championship.
Published 31 March 2023
Buckie Got It Media Source
Thursday Hon Samal Duggins celebrated with the National Bank CEMSS Eagles at their victory assembly following their big win at the TDC Inter High School Championship.
Published 30 March 2023
Buckie Got It News Source
It was my pleasure today to contribute to both the Bronte Welsh Primary and Dr. William Connor Primary schools as they prep for the big RAMS Primary Track & Field Championships this coming weekend… Somebody (maybe We) IS going to win!! 🤣 Now.. go go go go go go go guh guh guh guh GUH!
Published 30 March 2023
Buckie Got It, St Kitts Nevis News Source
Assessment of Kim Collins Stadium athletic track, installation of new seating priority matters
Basseterre, St. Kitts. March 30, 2023 (Department of Sports): The Ministry of Sport participated in a walkthrough of the Kim Collins Stadium, with an official from Mondo, a world leader in track and field surfacing, to assess the track with hopes of doing significant renovations to it, shortly.
Published 30 March 2023
Buckie Got It Media Source
Kim Collins Athletic Track Assessment
Assessment of Kim Collins Stadium athletic track, installation of new seating priority matters
Basseterre, St. Kitts. March 30, 2023. The Ministry of Sport participated in a walkthrough of
the Kim Collins Stadium, with an official from Mondo, a world leader in track and field
surfacing, to assess the track with hopes of doing significant renovations to it, shortly.
Published 30 March 2023
Buckie Got It Media Source
Basseterre: St. Kitts, Thursday, March 29, 2023: The Charles E. Mills Secondary School
(CEMSS) in its seventh consecutive year of winning the TDC Track and Field Interschool
Competition, March 26, 2023 found itself the topic of debate among fans and foes alike as to
whether the CEMSS Eagles athletic dominance comes at the expense of its athletes’ intellect.
Dispelling the rumors surrounding the academic capabilities of his athletes, Deputy Principal Mr.
Kelvis Alford informed the Education Media Unit that the students are extremely versatile and
have continued to shine in both arenas.