Local news, News

Traffic Accident

Published 13 April 2017

Buckie Got It…Traffic Accident 3 car classic accident on Ponds Road

Buckie Got It….Traffic Accident by Gillard gas station

Buckie Got It…. traffic accident by market street

Buckie Got It….. more accident this time on Newtown Bay Road


Entertainment, Events

The Flow Miss Black San Swim Suit Pageant Regional

Published 12 April 2017

Buckie Got It….TICKETS are available! The Flow Miss Black San Swim Suit Pageant Regional tickets are now available for only $50. That’s right! Also Enjoy our ALL INCLUSIVE VIP experience for only $150.00. Tickets are available at Central Gas Station on top of fort street, Harpers Office Depot and at E&K Minimart in Sandy Point. Get your tickets now!


Health, International news, Local news, News

top 10 Fattest country in the world that fall under the UN.

Published 12 April 2017

It is interesting to see that St. kitts & Nevis falls under this catogary of the top 10 Fattest country in the world that fall under the UN. They stated that SKN is number 8 in the ratings.



The Thought of the day

Published 13 April 2017

Buckie Got It……Good morning my dear families and friends I hope that we all had a good night’s rest.

The thought for today reminds us that “In the end, being first and achieving all your goals doesn’t happen all the time. Still, I think you should dream big dreams, as long as you’re willing to work toward those dreams. Never look back and say, ‘If only I had done this or that, I could have reached my dreams.’ When you have a dream, your first and only goal should be to prepare yourself as best you can and try your best. That’s all anyone can ask. When you do that, as my dad says, no matter what the scoreboard reads, you’ll always walk away a winner.”

What advice have you received in your life that has helped you to succeed? Have a blessed Thursday.

Today’s Tip

Patience is not simply the ability to wait, it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.


Entertainment, Events

The department of Agriculture open day on April 27 & 28, 2017

Published 12 April 2017

Buckie Got It…