Jobs, Local news

Jobs available


The St.Kitts-Nevis Department of Labour has announced the availability of a number of new vacancies or jobs in the Federation. In a Notice that was issued on Wednesday the Ministry indicated a plethora of new Jobs have recently become available . The Jobs available ranges from Store Clerks to Store Managers to Landscapers and more.

The notice from the Department of Labour reads as follows :

The Department of Labour is inviting persons to come in to its office on the 2nd floor of the Treasury Chambers Building on the corner of Church and Central Street, to apply to fill a number of vacancies that exist within several companies.

The positions being advertised are gemologist, horologist, stone specialist, installer, assistant electrician, assistant plumber, bartender waitress, carpenter, chef, assistant cook, caretaker assistant, cleaner, driver, and floor supervisor. Applications are also invited for gardener, general helper, home care helper/caretaker, IT personnel, labourer, pest control operator, sales clerk, sales representative, store manager, and trimmer.

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