
Horoscope for 2017

2017: Bold Changes, Steady Success!

Change isn’t always fun… but it can turn out fantastic. It can make room for true progress. It can set your life off in a new, improved direction. All this and more is the case for 2017.

You will need to be bold this year and face some transitions and challenges with courage and a positive attitude. These have been hovering for a long time. Have no illusions – 2017 may not be an easy year, but then not much worth having comes easy.

2017 starts off with a bang as the Sun approaches its annual Pluto conjunction. This is the sky telling us to make a clean sweep. If you aren’t willing to embrace change this soon, it may come to you anyway.

There’s also the separating Mars-Neptune conjunction (on January 1) to give us all the personal magic we need, as well as endless faith in ourselves. This is no time to be hesitant or shy. Be bright and bold, and trust in your abilities.

Also trust in your support network, which includes close friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. This is the year to think locally and act locally, which ultimately becomes the same as thinking and acting globally.

What is success to you? Winning the lottery? Getting the big job or raise? Finding your soul mate? Sometimes success is subtle and incremental, day by day, boldly hanging on against all odds. Other times, it is abrupt and obvious.

In 2017, don’t sell yourself short or overlook any single, success or victory, big or small. It’s success whatever its form, and you should be proud!



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