
Mechanics in St. Kitts

Buckie Got It…. my topic this morning is Mechanic in St. Kitts.

What is reliable mechanic?

I want to believe mechanic in SK love to know they have your vehicle in their garage for long extended period. Maybe so, that when people pass by they can say ” wow this guy have to be really good because his shop is full”

A good mechanic fix your vehicle properly so that you don’t come back with the same problem. If additional parts needed let the customer know instead of fixing just it came in the shop for. He can also get good recommendations from you. You shouldn’t have to stay by a mechanic shop all day to ensure your vehicle is been work on.

A good mechanic should have your vehicle clean before it leave their shop and not having it looking worst than it came in. Is it a car wash? no, but customers services takes you a long way.

To all mechanic who love to bullshit people please, it’s time to stop and be more professional.

I can remember one of my vehicle was in a mechanic shop. While I catching bus to go to work my car was been driven for a whole week until decided am going for my car.
I am just fed of complains about mechanic taking long and I mean long like months to fix people vehicle.

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