Local news, News

SRO 27 of 2020

Published 27, June 2020

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Kitts and Nevis

Good morning all. Here are some key takeaways from the new regulations.

No time limit on access to beaches. No picnics and beach parties though.

Buses and ferries can now carry their maximum capacity. Masks must be worn and hygiene and sanitization protocols must be observed.

Training and practice sessions permitted for amateur and recreational sporting events. All hygiene, masks and social and physical distancing protocols in the regulations must be observed however.

Six members of the same family can sit at a table in a restaurant. ( was previously 4)

All businesses must be closed at a reasonable time to permit staff and patrons to get home before midnight curfew.

Restaurants should be closed at 10pm. ( not new)

Weddings and funerals can now host the maximum number of persons the venue can accommodate, observing social and physical distancing. ( 30 square feet person)

Click on the PDF

SRO 27 of 2020

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