Published 8 July 2020
Buckie Got It. St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, July 08, 2020 (Press Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister) – The Denzil Douglas-led St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party has shown its intent to continue along the same path it has become synonymous for over the last five years, as its two elected Members of Parliament were a no-show at the opening of the new Parliamentary session today, Wednesday, July 08.
Asthe historic new session of the National Assembly of St. Kitts and Nevis got underway with a magnificent opening ceremony, specially invited guests, as well as those viewing via ZIZ Television and online via various social media platforms, the chairs on the Opposition side sat empty.
Noexplanation for their absence was given by the Speaker of the House, the Honourable A. Michael Perkins.
Thetwo elected representatives who should have been present during the opening session of Parliament were Representative for Constituency Six, Dr. Denzil Douglas and Representative for Constituency One, Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, in addition to one nominated Senator.
Overthe past five years, it has become a common practice for the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Opposition Members of Parliament to skip sittings of the National Assembly, when important matters of national interest were being debated.
Onthe other hand, all elected and nominated members of Parliament on the Government benches were on hand. The Government MPs are Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris (Representative for St. Christopher Seven); the Honourable Shawn Richards (Representative for St. Christopher Five); the Honourable Mark Brantley (Representative for Nevis 9); the Honourable Eugene Hamilton (St. Christopher Eight); the Honourable Lindsay Grant (St. Christopher Four); the Honourable Akilah Byron-Nisbett (St. Christopher Three); the Honourable Jonel Powell (St. Christopher Two); the Honourable Eric Evelyn (Nevis 10); and the Honourable Alexis Jeffers (Nevis 11).
Thethree Senators are the Honourable Wendy Phipps, the Honourable Vincent Byron Jr., and the newly appointed Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, the Honourable Dr. Bernicia Nisbett.
Theopening of Parliament this year was held at the St. Kitts Marriott Resort Ballroom due to inadequacy of the National Assembly Chambers to house the event while being in strict compliance with COVID-19 protocols.