Published 27 November 2020
Buckie Got It,
Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
Twenty-five (25) outstanding teens in the Federation were highly commended by His Excellency Sir S.W. Tapley Seaton, GCMG, CVO, QC, JP, LL. D, Governor-General of St. Kitts and Nevis, for their outstanding contributions to nation-building.
The statement was read during the 25 Most Remarkable Teens (MRTs) Awards at a special sitting of Parliament on Thursday, November 26, by Jalen Monzac, a member of the Youth Ambassador Corps, on behalf of the Governor-General, who commended the teens on their achievement.
“I wish to take this opportunity to offer congratulations and commendation to the 25 Most Remarkable Teens. This years’ cohort once again demonstrates issues ranging from school pride, sports and academics, the culinary arts to coping positively with challenges,” the statement read. “The range and scope of the activities successfully pursued by the awardees are indeed impressive. I have only enumerated some of these, but they all represent youth in action overcoming obstacles in this challenging COVID-19 environment.”
In his message, His Excellency encouraged the young people to continue to make meaningful contributions to the development of St. Kitts and Nevis.
“I urge all 25 of you and other aspirants to continue on your journey. This acclaim is but the first step in reinforcing your citizenship and patriotism.”
The teens were awarded in the following categories: most promising; academics; technology; writing; sports; environmentalism; youth activism; performing and visual arts; culinary arts; school pride; volunteerism; spiritual commitment, music and leadership. Personal decisions to change; the spirit of hope; coping positively with challenges and courage to overcome also formed part of the list.
The 25 MRTs, a youth recognition initiative in the Federation, was founded in November 2011 by the Department of Youth Empowerment and is the only one of its kind in the region. To date, a total of 250 teens have been awarded under this programme.