Published 27 September 2021
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Ivor Keithley Phillip Appointed Chief Executive Officer of SCASPA
Basseterre, St. Kitts September 27, 2021 – Ivor Keithley Phillip will assume the position of Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of the St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority (SCASPA), effective October 1, 2021.
Phillip brings to SCASPA over 20 years senior management experience. During his professional life, he has
managed several local businesses, including the Solid Waste Management Corporation, and the St. Kitts
Bottling Company Ltd where he had the distinction of being the first national to serve as General Manager.
He has also served as a Board Member and Chairman of the Manufacturing Division of the Chamber of
Industry and Commerce and is a Certified Trader at the East Caribbean Securities Exchange.
Phillip holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with specialty in Domestic and International
Marketing from the University of the West Indies (UWI), where he also served for many years as a Course
Coordinator of Management Studies with the Open Campus. He also holds a BSc in Economics and
Accounting (Hons) from the UWI and a Master of Arts in Apologetics from Luther Rice University and
Phillip’s track record as a professional manager made him the ideal pick for the CEO role in these
challenging times, as SCASPA grapple with the fallout from the COVID-19 Pandemic.
When asked what he would bring to SCASPA, Phillip responded, “to use the analogy of a band, my role
would be that of the music director, ensuring that every chord is on key and in sync”. “I would utilize the
fundamental management principles such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (POLC) to take
SCASPA from where it is, to where it needs to be”.
SCASPA is the leading provider of Air and Sea Ports Services within the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis,
with over 300 employees, having responsibility over the RLB International Airport, Deep Water Cargo Port,
Port Zante Cruise Port, and the Basseterre Ferry Terminal.