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South -South Structural Regional Dialogue on Climate Finance under the Theme: Navigating the Accreditation Process to access Climate Finance for Direct Access Entities

Published 5 October 2022


Buckie Got It St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

October 3-4th about 50 Participants from the Region including SKN were gathered at the Marriott Resort for the South -South Structural Regional Dialogue on Climate Finance, under the Theme: ‘Navigating the Accreditation Process to access Climate Finance for Direct Access Entities’ and is facilitated by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Center(CCCCC) and is sponsored by Green Climate Fund (GCF).

Sen Hon Dr Joyelle Clarke Minister of Environment and Climate Action said; it’s the first time in SKN Ministerial Portfolios, Climate Action has been given a level of Prominence.

She further stated, “Climate Action and the work we’re doing here with GCF communicates the urgency with which our Country must treat Climate Change and Climate Resilience.

It calls us to action whether in our Communities, Civil Service Organizations, Education Institutions and Private Sector Organizations.

Participants came from Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and host Country St. Kitts Nevis.

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