Published 2 June 2023
Buckie Got It, St Kitts Nevis News Source
Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 02, 2023 (SKNIS): On Monday, June 05, 2023, the Department of Environment will launch its newest initiative to discourage the use of single-use plastics in St. Kitts and Nevis.
The month of June is dubbed “No Plastic Shopping Bag Mondays.” This means that participating supermarkets will not pack groceries into plastic shopping bags on Mondays.
“So, we ask the general public to walk with your reusable bags or use some kind of means to take your products away from the supermarkets,” said Vicia Woods, Environment Officer in the Department of Environment.
While appearing on this week’s edition of the radio and television programme InFocus on May 31, 2023, Ms. Woods acknowledged that this may be challenging for some persons, particularly those who shop after work and rely on public transportation to get home. However, she strongly encouraged using reusable bags instead of plastic bags.
“We are just asking you to make an extra effort. Even if you don’t eliminate plastic on the first Monday [of the month] just bear in mind that [on] the other Mondays in the month this will be done,” said Ms. Woods.
Most supermarkets sell reusable shopping bags at a minimal cost.
June Hughes, Director of the Department of Environment, said that in the past it was customary for persons to take bags when shopping at supermarkets and stores.
“We moved away from it when the convenient plastic bags came along, so we are just asking our people to go back to what we were accustomed to – walking with your cloth bag to the supermarket,” Director Hughes said.
The timing of this initiative will appropriately launch on World Environment Day, which is celebrated globally every year on June 5.