Local news, News


Published 23 May 2024

Basseterre, Buckie Got It Media Source


On Tuesday, May 21st, the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority shipped a container of
plastic recyclables off the island at the port in Long Point, Nevis. The shipment is a historic
one and is part of the St. Kitts and Nevis Solid Waste Management and Recycling Project,
spearheaded by the Taiwan Technical Mission and other allied agencies. Days prior to the
container being loaded on the ship following a ceremony at the Sanitary Landfill in Nevis,
Taiwan Ambassador to St. Kitts and Nevis Ambassador Michael Lin, lauded the significance
of this milestone achievement. “We have collected more than 200, 000 pounds of
recyclables. Most of them are plastics from both islands. Today we witness the first
shipment of recyclables, which is a 40ft container (22,000 pounds), which is a milestone for
this project,” the Ambassador said.

He assured that next phase of the recycling project will happen and may even expand in the
coming months, which includes the collection of cardboards. “Phase two will extend for
another three years to collect more recyclables on St. Kits and Nevis. “It will keep this island
clean…and attract more tourists to the island,” he added.

Meanwhile, Federal Minister of Sustainable Development and Environment, Hon. Dr. Joyelle
Clarke, also spoke to the importance of this project and plans to make it a sustainable thrust
on both islands. “We couldn’t get here without serious attitude and behavioral change,
demonstrated by our partners in the ministry of education; parents, teachers and students,
who helped us collect over 120,000 pounds of plastic bottles,” she said.

Premier Mark Brantley also highlighted the importance of this milestone achievement. “I
don’t think the significance can be overstated. We are seeing today something that has
never happened in our history and that is the island of Nevis shipping our plastic waste off
the island for recycling,” he said, adding that the residents and citizens should be proud of
this accomplishment. “This is a just such a remarkable day for the island as we talk about a
sustainable island state; for me this is a tangible step forward in realizing that goal,” the
premier said. The Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority assured that a second container
will be exported from Nevis shortly.

The container with recyclables being loaded on a ship to be exported from Nevis, at the port in Long Point on Tuesday May 21, 2024.

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