Published 29 January 2025
St Kitts, Basseterre,
Buckie Got It Media Source
Basseterre: St. Kitts, Wednesday, January 29, 2025: The staff and students of the Deane –
Glasford Primary School devoted time to honor the academic excellence of the institution on
Tuesday, January 28 with a special assembly. The ceremony, held at the school focused on the
theme “Celebrating 25 Years. Shaping Minds, Changing Lives and Inspiring Greatness”.
Principal, Ms. Princess Nyoka Adams shared, “Today we gather to commemorate a remarkable
milestone, 25 years of shaping minds, changing lives and inspiring greatness. It is an occasion to
celebrate the legacy of this institution and to honor all those who have contributed to its success
over the years.”
Acknowledging the pivotal role of the institution, Hon. Dr. Geoffrey Hanley communicated,
“As we reflect on the past 25 years, let us remember the countless memories and moments of
triumph and challenges, joy and all of the learning that took place on this journey. Together we
have watched generations of students blossom into remarkable individuals ready to take on the
Minister Hanley thanked past administrators and teachers of the institution for their dedication
and hard work which established the groundwork of academic prominence.
Reminiscing on time spent at the institution, former student and Prime Minister, Hon. Dr.
Terrence Drew expressed gratitude to the past and present principals, teachers and support staff.
“I entered the school in the early 1980s, the school was not as big then as you would imagine.
For all the time I spent, here I remember the great teachers that I had. Even though life then was
a bit more challenging than now, our teachers were dedicated to us. We would not be what we
are today if it were not for our teachers. I would like to recognize our teachers who, through
those years, stuck with us and believed in us.”