Published 10 September 2017
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
JUST IN !!!! SKELEC WELCOMES ASSISTANCE FROM LUCELEC !!! Engineers and other personnel from the Electricity Corporation in St.Lucia LUCELEC landed at the RLB Internatiinal to assist our local SKELEC in their efforts to ensure power is restored island wide and up to 100% within short order. Full restoration is expected now within a very short time
In addition
Senator Akila Byron-Nisbett visits West Basseterre residents in Post Hurricane Irma walk thru ! Hon. Byron-Nisbett also used the opportunity to get an idea and assess the damages done to any residence or to the overall infrastructure . Senator Nisbet-Byron was warmly welcomed by residence and offered her support and assistance to all who required . She noted damages on a small number of homes and noted a number of infrastructural damages both of which she has indicated she will pursue vigorously to have resolved.
In other news
St.Kitts Nevis Government Sends Relief Supplies to Neighbouring Island !!
The St.Kitts Nevis Government through the Ministry of National Security facilitated the transportation of relief supplies to neighbouring island Saba which was affected by Hurricane Irma . The St.Kitts Nevis defense force assisted with the coordination and played a key role in the transportation of collection of supplies.
Captain Wincent Perkins of Islander Water Sports of Nevis on request by Government of St. Kitts and Nevis offered two of his boats to transport the supplies to Saba. Mr Regiwell Francis owner of St. Kitts Marine Works was key in organising and assisting the facilitation of the humanitarian gesture .