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Dame Constance Mitcham, our nation’s first female parliamentarian, congratulates PAM’s first female Political Leader Natasha “Shanny” Grey-Brooks, Attorney-at-Law

Published 4 June 2024

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Congratulations to our new PAM Leader!

lam very happy to take this opportunity to congratulate my colleague Natasha “Shanny” Grey-Brooks, Attorney-at-Law, on her election to the office of Leader of a major political Party in St. Kitts, our Party, the Peoples Action Movement (PAM).

Shanny, as she is affectionately called, has made history in the right Party, the Party that has demonstrated its commitment to the development of all of the people of our country, and not just some. Her personal story of the development in her own life has equipped her for this pivotal moment. This truly historic occasion brought to mind words that I hold dear, “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Our new Leader will have my full support.

I have often had occasion to remark that the greatest advancement our country and people have ever seen, was the 15-year Administration of PAM and NRP, led by our First Prime Minister and only living National Hero, Sir Kennedy A. Simmonds. There is no need for me to repeat the list, the record is there for all to see.

For you, Shanny, I pray that when your turn comes to lead our country, God willing, you will function in a similar spirit of fairness and justice for all, remembering that the country belongs to all of our people.

May God continue to bless you as you take up this worthy challenge.

Constance V. Mitcham

SKN’S First Female Parliamentarian

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