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Alecia Crossley-Thomas selected for JET Programme

Published 12 July 2024

St Kitts, Basseterre,

Buckie Got It Media Source


St. Kitts, Thursday, July 11, 2024. Ms. Alecia Crossley-Thomas, a dedicated and
accomplished teacher from the federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, has been selected to participate
in the renowned Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme 2024. This prestigious
opportunity allows educators from around the world to teach English and promote cultural
exchange in Japan for a period of one (1) year.

Ms. Crossley-Thomas, known for her innovative teaching methods and commitment to student
development, will join a select group of individuals chosen for their exemplary skills and
dedication to education. The JET Programme, established in 1987, aims to enhance foreign
language education in Japan while fostering international understanding.

“I am incredibly honoured to be part of the JET Programme and to represent St. Kitts and Nevis
in Japan,” said Ms. Crossley-Thomas. “This opportunity not only allows me to contribute to the
educational landscape in Japan but also to share and celebrate the unique culture of my home

During her time in Japan, Ms. Crossley-Thomas will work as an Assistant Language Teacher
(ALT) in Japanese schools, where she will assist in English language classes and engage with
students to promote cultural exchange. Her selection is a testament to her outstanding
contribution to education and her passion for fostering cross-cultural understanding.

Ms. Crossley-Thomas’s participation in the JET Programme is expected to have a lasting impact
on both on her professional growth and the students she will teach in Japan. The experience will
not only enhance her teaching skills but also provide valuable insights into Japanese culture and
education practices, which she plans to incorporate into her teaching strategy upon her return.

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