Published 19 July 2017
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News
Dr. Drew promises reinstatement of one-to-one laps in high schools in new Labour Government
BASSASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, JULY 19TH 2017 – A new St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party administration will reinstate the one-to-one lap top programme for students entering the first forms of all high schools in the Federation.
This assurance from the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) caretaker for St. Christopher 8, Dr. Terrance Drew who said the young people must have easy access to information technology, who was critical of the Timothy Harris PLP/CCM/PAM coalition for stopping the programme.
“Our young people are complaining that they and their parents cannot afford to purchase laptops or desktop computers. Our students have to resort to going by neighbours to do or complete assignments or to research,” said Dr. Drew.