
Red Eyes

Published 25 May 2017

Buckie Got It  Question & Concern. Presently there is a wide outbreak of red eyes going on in St. Kitts and Nevis and there are no public announcements from the health authorities. Things such as prevention and cures should be made public. The schools are now sending home the children to prevent the spread to others and parents now have to stay home with their children, which is ok. But why is it the health authorities haven’t out a public statements in dealing with these things?



SKN Opposition MP Konris Maynard thrown out of Parliament for disorderly conduct

Published 23 May 2017

Buckie Got It….BREAKING NEWS !!!

SKN Opposition MP Konris Maynard thrown out of Parliament for disorderly conduct. Dr Denzil Douglas led Opposition again stage a walkout . More details to come …….



What is your response to these concerns?

Published 11 May 2017

Dear Buckie
I think you should be a politician or a journalist you have a lot of follower and we need someone like you people listen and wait out for you.

I have some issue with the former Labour commissioner he made a lot of unfair practice. Along with who is there now…..another thing ? Can your landlord come into your yard to do work without notification from you the Tennant……… Don’t you think all those custom officers who driving Fancy cars should be investigated…..what is the government doing to help with the crime …….. And the list goes on tell me what you think hope you can help



Bra or Not in public is the question?

Published 6 May 2017

Buckie Got It….question of the day? So am in town on Fort Street waiting on a box of Dominos Pizza with my daughter D and of course am watching the world go by. Is this a new trend now in woman clothing to wear tops with out Bra? Woman ditch Bra lol


Lets here your view



Happy Easter

Published 14 April 2017

Buckie Got It….it’s a long Holiday and I would like to encourage all of you to be safe and drive careful. When you go to the beach be careful as the best swimmers often drown.

Some of you have to work like me but just thank God you have a job. Consider your self worthy because you are making someone else happy.

Some of us are sad and lonely because we might be sick or lost a love one, but God is in control. Others has marriage and relationship problem but just let God come into your heart and he will fix it.

Happy Easter to all my Whatsapp contacts with love from Buckie Got It and Buckie always Got It