
Traffic Tips

Published 13 April 2017

Buckie Got It….In the mighty name if Jesus I come against every accident right now I pray for traveling mercies even right now that there will be no more accident for the rest of the night and days to follow in Jesus name Amen

To avoid accident: blow your horn if a vehicle is approaching to close you.
Stay in your lane
Reduce speed in built up areas
Stay 15 feet behind the vehicle ahead
Don’t over take unless you can see clear ahead
Be helpful to other drivers by letting them out of stops, allow them to overtake freely

There is a lot more I can say but those stands out



Traffic accident

Published 13 April 2017

Buckie Got It…..traffic accident will increase in St. Kitts due to in heavy increase in vehicles. Have you notice we gone from P to PA to now PB number plate?
When Tropical comes in it’s over a 100 vehicles it off load each time.

We now have to leave home early and use other roads to get to your destination on time.


Blog, Horoscope

Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder Or Does It Make You Forget?

Published 12 April 2017


Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder Or Does It Make You Forget?

When it comes to romance, we’ve all experienced the unexpected. Love is impossible to predict.

It’s true that not knowing which saying will be true is terrifying. Some days, you might find yourself pining for the other person’s touch.

You might find yourself crying, venting to anyone who will listen and clutching memories of good times in your head like they’re the only things you have left of that person.

His or her texts might make your heart skip several beats, causing you to ignore everything around you, if only to squeeze in a little bit of conversation.

And if you haven’t texted in awhile, you might be hyperaware of every second that passes during which you are not speaking with that person.

Other days, you might find yourself flirting with someone else. You might find yourself dancing at a club without regard, laughing carelessly with friends and having trouble recalling details about your time together. You might go a full day, or two, or five without texting, and you won’t even notice how much time has gone by since you spoke with that person. You might find yourself getting caught up in your own life.

Consistency might become impossible, which is frightening.

Thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to feel like we’re close to someone, regardless of how physically far apart we are. Still, however, physical proximity is important in romance because it’s the only way to achieve real intimacy.

Distance means it’s impossible to touch, smell, listen to or simply be in the presence of the other person whenever you want — all of which are ways human beings show affection.

What happens when you can’t see that person in person? What happens when you forget what they smell like? What happens when you forget what they feel like, or sound like or taste like? You can’t help but wonder if your bond is strong enough to even last the distance if it doesn’t have that physical proximity.

On those days when you crave the other person’s physical closeness, you’ll feel the importance of physical proximity the most.

Your libido will be spiked so high that not even a Skype-sex session or watching your favorite porno will do the trick.

You’ll press your nose into this person’s old T-shirt so forcibly that your face will disappear into the fabric.

You’ll reply recorded video chat conversations and call them a million times just to hear the sound of his or her voice.
But on those days when you don’t crave the physical closeness, you’ll wonder how you ever needed it at all.

Your libido will be so low that you’ll actually find yourself shying away from even listening to your sex playlist on Spotify.

You’ll see his or her old T-shirt as just another pajama shirt, and you’ll be able to get through the day with just a short text message or a viewing of your favorite romantic comedy.

Once again, consistency might become impossible.

The worst part of all of this is you will also have no ideaBecause in addition to feeling anxiety about what will happen to your feelings, you’ll also have anxiety about someone else’s feelings.

Is that person spending his or her time pining over you or letting you fade away? Is that person yearning for your touch, your voice, your scent or forgetting why he or she even needed it in the first place?

Is the other person’s heart growing fonder or is your removal from his or her sight removing you from his or her mind?

Most importantly, are both of your feelings aligning? Are you pining while he or she is letting you fade? Or vice versa?

This situation might feel impossible. How can there be two widely accepted ideas about distance: that it both cultivates and diminishes feelings?
It’s tempting to listen to accepted ways of dealing with problems, especially ones like these that have no real psychological backing.

It’s tempting to hope that whatever situation you’re in will follow a perfect trajectory of either “fondness” or “forgetfulness.”

We want easy solutions to complex problems. We want to know we will be okay.

But romance is not black and white, so in order to figure out if you’ll be okay, you’ll have to focus on the details of the situation — all of the shades and colors with which the situation will be clouded.

Forget the adages. Throw away the clichés. Don’t listen to what anybody — not even anonymous wordsmiths of the era during which these sayings were created — tells you about how your life should unfold. It’s okay if stuff is m



Thought of the day

March 31,2017

Buckie Got It……Good morning my dear families and friends I hope that we all had a good nights rest.

The thought for today says “I think the one lesson I have learned is that there is no substitute for paying attention.”

Be on guard, keep away.
For you do not know when the time will come. I’m telling you what I’m telling everyone: Be alert!  Mark 13:33, 37. Have a blessed Friday and weekend.
Today’s Tip

How can we as adults expect our young people to show love and respect to each other, when we the adults show soo much open hatred to one another. LEAD BY EXAMPLE!



Never Trust Anyone

Buckie Got It……Never Trust Anyone
A couple decides to commit suicide after going through a really hard tough time in life. So they both decided to jump off a 20 storey building. When they got to the top most floor, they both agreed to count 1-3 and jump. On the 3rd count, the woman jumped but the man stayed. As the man watched the woman fall, he saw the woman pulling out a parachute to land safely. Question – who betrayed who? The man or the woman????
Justify ur answer.