Education, Local news, News

Topic: Sex And The Law

Published 14 April 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Topic: Sex And The Law

The recent arrest this April 2018 and charge of a Basseterre, St. Kitts male on 2 counts of ALLEDGED rape prompts me to remind my global Dare 2 Be Different International following of a few things.


Education, Local news, News

Sandy Point Benevolent Society Announces 2018 University Scholarships Opportunities

Published 9 April 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Sandy Point Benevolent Society Announces 2018 University Scholarships Opportunities



FROM THE OFFICE OF THE public relations officer
 (869) 767-6123       [email protected]


Sandy Point Benevolent Society Announces 2018 University Scholarships Opportunities

It is that time of the year again for the Sandy Point Benevolent Society to announce its 2018 Scholarship Opportunities.


Each year the Sandy Point Benevolent Society’s Scholarship Committee continues to embark on new initiatives to enhance its scholarship program. This year we have collaborated with Monroe College, New York to award three additional scholarships to new students from the SPBS Community.


Education, Local news, News

Verchilds High School Guidance Counseling Department presently hosting a Drug Prevention Program at Unique Touch Christian Centre in Sandy Point. The presenters are: Mrs. Karimo Byron-Caines, Officer Percival and Mr. Clive Saunders. The boys will be taken to OTI for lunch at 12:00 pm.

Published 13 March 2018

Buckke Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Verchilds High School Guidance Counseling Department presently hosting a Drug Prevention Program at Unique Touch Christian Centre in Sandy Point. The presenters are: Mrs. Karimo Byron-Caines, Officer Percival and Mr. Clive Saunders. The boys will be taken to OTI for lunch at 12:00 pm.


Education, Local news, News

CFBC’s acting president works out of a container as mold continues to affect main campus and Vocational Division

Published 4 March 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

by: Media Source

CFBC’s acting president works out of a container as mold continues to affect main campus and Vocational Division

Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 28, 2018 – The presence of mold remains an outstanding issue at St. Kitts’ Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College (CFBC), two years after a new roof was constructed costing millions of dollars.


Education, International news, Local news

Fleming honored by American Heart Association and The Children’s Heart Foundation #

Published 3 March 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Fleming honored by American Heart Association and The Children’s Heart Foundation

Nicole Fleming, a PhD candidate in the Liu Lab, has been honored with a Congenital Heart Defect Research Award from the American Heart Association and Children’s Heart Foundation.

Fleming honored by American Heart Association and The Children’s Heart Foundation

Nicole Fleming

The Children’s Heart Foundation and the American Heart Association have announced the fourth round of their co-funded Congenital Heart Defect Research Awards. More than $800,000 has been awarded to seven researchers across the country, including Nicole Fleming, a PhD candidate in the Pathobiology and Translational Science Program and Jiandong Liu Lab.

Fleming’s research uses Zebrafish, which are fast growing and easy to manipulate, and whose heart cells are easy to see, in an effort to understand defective ventricular growth in embryos and better understand pharmacological treatments that may improve heart function.

At least 40,000 infants are estimated to be affected by congenital heart defects each year in the United States. About 25 percent of babies born in the U.S. with a CHD require invasive treatment in their first year of life. Research that helps understand, identify and treat CHDs is helping these children live longer healthier lives. Today, it is estimated that more than 800,000 American adults are living with a CHD.

“We are honored and excited to continue our research funding partnership with the American Heart Association,” said Tammy Thomas, President of The Children’s Heart Foundation. “Through this collaboration and our ongoing commitment to research focused on congenital heart defects, we strive to make a lasting impact in the lives of those with congenital heart defects. This $826,600 of new research will help bring innovative solutions to survival rates and care.”