Published 3 December 2018
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
Massive show of support for PM Harris’ 25th anniversary celebrations’ motorcade
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, December 3, 2018 (PLP PR Media Inc.) — Hundreds from Constituency Number Seven and the country on a whole turned out to join in a huge motorcade that was part of a calendar of events as the constituency celebrates 25 years of quality service rendered by their Parliamentarian, Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris.
The hugely supported event which took place on Saturday December 1, saw the motorcade snake its way from the historic Black Rocks in Bellevue through the length and breadth of the constituency and right into Cayon (which is outside the constituency), and tuning back to Bourryeau Gate. At the Bourryeau Strip right opposite Fraites Bakery was a Youth Concert that was to start as from 7:00 pm.