Local news, News


Published 23 February 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source


Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 22, 2018 (SKNIS): In a clear and direct rebuke to accusations levelled by St. Kitts-Nevis’ Leader of the Opposition, the Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Douglas, on September 23, 2017, about the Dr. Harris-led Team Unity Administration’s decision to implement a temporary Hurricane Relief Fund (HRF) Investment Contribution under the real estate option to assist government with repairs to public infrastructure and private property damaged during the 2017 Hurricane Season, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit has labelled the pronouncement as “malicious”.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) was stolen in Nevis at the Vance Amory International Airport in New Castle

Published 22 February 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) was stolen in Nevis at the Vance Amory International Airport in New Castle

Can this be Automated Teller Machine (ATM) that went missing?

By: Stanford Conway, SKNVibes.com

CHARLESTOWN, Nevis – IT has been a month since a portable Automated Teller Machine (ATM) was stolen in Nevis and, to date, sleuths on that island are yet to locate the machine or those involved in its theft.

According to information reaching this publication, sometime before 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday (Nov. 16), Manager of the Vance Amory International Airport in New Castle had realised that the ATM of the Nevis Branch of the St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Limited, which was positioned outside the Arrival Hall within a glass booth, was no longer there and he had assumed that the financial institution had removed it for maintenance purposes.

He however contacted the bank later that day and was told that the entity did not remove it and the police were subsequently notified.

On the following day, a police communiqué stated that initial investigations revealed that the portable machine was stolen and inquiries into the theft were ongoing.

It also stated that money was in the machine but the amount was not disclosed.

This publication was informed that five men were involved in the heist. They had donned masks and long-sleeved hoodies, and their images were reportedly caught on camera but no one has since been apprehended.

To date, the ATM has not been found and this writer, like many other people in the twin-island Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, is of the view that there are more questions than answers.

It is common knowledge that security is ever-present at all airports, more so those of an international nature, and the one on Nevis is no different. Therefore, among the questions to which answers are needed are as follow:

  • Was there a security detail at the Vance Amory International Airport when the ATM was stolen? If not, why not?
  • If there were a security detail, what was its strength?
  • If there were one, where were the personnel at the time?
  • Were they asleep or were they accomplices to the crime?
  • It is expected that the security personnel who worked that shift would have been questioned by the police during their investigation. But has anyone been found to have neglected his or her duty? If yes, did management retain that individual’s service or had him or her fired?
  • Why had it taken the Airport Manager’s vigilance to notice the removal of the ATM and not the security personnel?
  • What is the nature of the security arrangement at the airport?
  • Was the security detail a static one, or was it responsibility to patrol the premises at irregular intervals?
  • What about the integrity of the security personnel involved in the system?
  • What level of training do the security personnel possess?
  • Were they armed?
  • What confidence do they have in themselves to arrest a situation of this nature?
  • The nation is being regularly reminded that the police alone cannot fight crime; it is everybody’s business. Therefore, one may ask if no law-abiding citizen on Nevis had seen when the ATM was being transported by the thieves, or are they committed to the code of silence as they do when murders are committed?

From their modus operandi, it is believed in some quarters that there are professional rings of criminals in the Federation trained by osmosis from other countries where criminality is highly modernised. Also, it is believed that local criminals are influenced by individuals who have the training from overseas universities of crime.

This is one of the ugly manifestations of St. Kitts and Nevis entering into modernity where these bold and outrageous criminal activities take place.

This writer is of the view that American television programmes, movies and that country’s culture have greatly influenced criminals in the Federation. For example, the gang culture involving Bloods and Crips, among others, and, no doubt, those involved in the stealing of the machine might have seen the 2002-produced American comedy film ‘Barbershop’ in which an ATM was stolen.

When one thinks about the heist and where the ATM might have been hidden or disposed of, one should consider the topography of St. Kitts and Nevis.

The Federation does not have a lot of land mass like some other Caribbean countries, but it is surrounded by millions of miles of water. Therefore, one can commit a heist and within 20 minutes is on a boat going somewhere else. This has being going on for a while, especially in the drug trade and maybe even the purchase of guns and ammunition, and quite noticeable are that criminals have become emboldened and committing more crimes on a regular basis.

Is it that the Federation has professional criminals and amateur crime stoppers? If this is a fact, then the criminals will always be successful in their nefarious activities.

This writer strongly believes that the heist might not have been possible if there were an effective K9 Unit, owned by the entity responsible for the security of the Vance Amory International Airport, operating on a 24/7 basis.

There is manpower, what about dog power?

If there were dogs at the airport and the thieves were confronted by them, it is likely that while they were busy warding off or trying to kill or maim the ferocious animals when attacked, the handlers and other security personnel present would be in a better position to apprehend them.

Conclusively, one must understand that it is not only cricket that integrates people in the Caribbean. Crime does the same at certain levels; in that some of the criminals’ gains are moved from country to another. Sometimes there might be a falling out among them, because when they are ready to retrieve their ill-gotten gains their counterparts cannot account for them and guns come into play.

The stolen ATM remains a mystery!


Local news, News, Politics

SKNLP: “Timothy Harris’ draft legislation to change constitution “bluster and pretence”

Published 22 February 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

By: Media Source

SKNLP: “Timothy Harris’ draft legislation to change constitution “bluster and pretence”
Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 22, 2018 – The opposition St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) has described as “bluster and pretence,” Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris’ first reading in the National Assembly on Wednesday, legislation to change the constitution when he does not have support of two-thirds of all Representatives in the lawmaking body.
The Party in a statement Thursday noted that on the subject matter of the ‘Alteration of the Constitution’, section 38(2) of the St. Christopher and Nevis Constitution reads:


Local news, News

Prime Minister and Area Parliamentary Representative Dr the Hon Timothy Harris visited his constituency

Published 22 February 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Prime Minister and Area Parliamentary Representative Dr the Hon Timothy Harris visited his constituency 

Constituency Outreach now has taken Prime Minister Harris to Violet Petty Primary School where the children not only know his name but position as Prime Minister.

All teachers have been introduced to the Prime Minister.

Children at the Violet Petty Primary School render a song to entertain the Prime Minister and his entourage.

Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris joins in the happy singing by the Violet Petty Primary School pupils and their teachers.

Members of the PM’s entourage introduce themselves

PM Harris presents presents to the school principal. Next stop is Estridge Primary School. Final picture at Violet Petty Primary School. Next stop is Estridge Primary School. Pupils at Estridge Primary School recite the National Anthem. Welcome to Estridge Primary School students tell the Prime Minister and his entourage. PM Harris making a presentation to Estridge Primary School Principal Ms Mercia Dore. Action at Estridge Primary School.

Final picture at Estridge Primary School. Next stop for PM Harris and his entourage is Tabernacle Health Centre.

PM Harris signing visitors book at Estridge Primary School as Principal Ms Mercia Dore looks on.



PM’s schedule has changed slightly so as not to keep children at the Tabernacle Primary School too long before they go for lunch. PM Harris tells teachers and pupils at Tabernacle Primary School that he is in a sacred ground as he attend the school.

Students and teachers at the Edgar T. Morris Primary School in Tabernacle pose for a group picture with a former student – Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris.

Making a presentation at Edgar T Morris Primary School in Tabernacle.

Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris with members of staff and pupils at the Edgar T Morris Primary School in Tabernacle being part of Constituency Outreach.

After the Edgar T Morris Primary School, Prime Minister Harris and his entourage visited the Tabernacle Police Station where they were shown around by Sergeant Simeon Liburd.

School Principal Ms Kathuel Browne introduces her staff. Note: PM Harris attended the school.


They also visited the neighbouring Fire Station where FSI Kyle Burke showed them around.

PM Harris and his entourage also visted the site of the new Forensic Labs at compound of the Tabernacle Police Station.

The last stop before breaking for lunch was at the Tabernacle Day Care Centre.


PM Harris with the staff at the Tabernacle Day Care Centre.

Action at Edgar T Morris Primary School (2)

Action at Edgar T Morris Primary School (3)

Walk through in Phillips has just started.

Constituency Outreach: Walk through in Phillips Village just started.

PM Harris accompanied by Warren Thompson and Marsha Lewis talking to a farmer in Phillips Village.

PM talking to two villagers in Phillips Village

The child announced: Prime Minister coming, and the mother came out of the house to have a talk with her Prime Minister and Area Parliamentary Representative Dr the Hon Timothy Harris. This is Phillips Village.

A family in Phillips Village gets the opportunity to talk to the Prime Minister from the comfort of their residence.

A Prime Minister who listens to his people. This is in Phillips Village


Local news, News

Community activist protests PM Timothy Harris’ refusal to allow SKNLP to use community centres

Published 22 February 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

by: Media Source

Community activist protests PM Timothy Harris’ refusal to allow SKNLP to use community centres
Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 22, 2018 – Another protest outside Government Headquarters in Basseterre, the St. Kitts and Nevis capital, the second in as many days.
Community activist, Curtis Crooke is protesting the decision of the Timothy Harris-led CCM/PLP/PAM coalition to deny the opposition St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) to use community centers around St. Kitts to meet with members of the public.
Crooke said he is staging the protest in light of the disclosure by the SKNLP caretaker for St. Christopher 8, Dr. Terrance Drew that the Government had denied permission to the Labour Party to use community centers and other public facilities, especially when those parties while in opposition had approval by the then Labour Government to use or political events.
“This is totally unfair. It is an injustice. It is undemocratic. It is dictatorial,” said Crooke by telephone as he mounted his one-man protest outside Government Headquarters which houses the Office of Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris. Scores of Labour Party supporters joined the Labour Party parliamentarians in a protest outside Government Headquarters on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Dr. Drew told hundreds of persons attending and listening to a Town Hall Meeting by the SKNLP that the Harris government had refused their request to use the facilities.
“The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis is not allowing the opposition to use the community centres. These are the traits of a dictatorial regime. The community centres are public facilities. Your taxes have helped to finance the construction and upkeep of these facilities. The Harris Government has decided that the SKNLP cannot use them,” said Dr. Drew.
“While the SKNLP cannot use them at this very moment the Harris Government is using the East Basseterre Community Centre in New Town holding a Town Hall meeting, Is that fair? Are these not the signs of a dictatorship ensuring that the opposition is silenced,” asked Dr. Drew, who disclosed that his request last December to hold his annual Christmas parties in the various community centres for the children in his large constituency were also denied.
“We were told that we could not use the Conaree Community Centre because it was being used. We used the ball field, an open area, by placing tents on the grounds to accommodate the children. At the same time the party was going on I visited the location of the Conaree Community Centre and it was closed and empty, confirming that the authorities, had not only lied to us, but denied the children of Conaree an adequate and safer facility for them to enjoy themselves,” said Dr. Drew.
He said his Constituency group applied to use the Keys Community Centre for the children’s Christmas Party and was told it was under construction.
“We erected a tent on the basketball court, less than six feet from the community centre which the government claimed was under construction. That same afternoon, the PAM representative, Hon. Eugene Hamilton arrived and held his Christmas Party inside the same community centre that we were told was under construction,” said Dr. Drew.
Last October, an application to use the Community Centre in Lodge Village, part of Prime Minister Harris’ constituency was approved, but when the SKNLP official went to collect the letter of authorisation, Mrs. Ann Wigley informed that “community centres are no longer available.
Use of the Sandy Point Community Centre, in the constituency held by Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Hawn Richards was also denied.
In 2014, the then opposition Team Unity, led by Dr. held a series of meetings and permission was given by the Labour Government to hold meetings on May 6th at the New Town Community Center in East Basseterre, the St. Johnston Community Center in West Basseterre on 9th May, the Edgar Gilbert Sports Complex on May 15th; the Conaree Community Center on June 1st and the Challengers Community Center on June 5th .
It was under the SKNLP administration of the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas that several community centres were constructed with the financial assistance of the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Photo 1 – Curtis Crooke outside Government Headquarters on Thursday
Photo 2 – East Basseterre Community Centre
Photo 3 – Conaree Community Centre
Photo 4 – St. Johnston Community Centre
Photo 5 – St. Paul’s Community Centre
Photo 6  – Mc Knight Community Centre