Business, News, Regional News

Guyana may be just weeks away from economic crisis, says economist

Published on March 30, 2017

By Dennis Adonis

GEORGETOWN, Guyana — Having narrowly missed the economic after-effects of the 2008 Wall Street financial crash (the global financial crisis), and surviving a 2014 potential FOREX slide (since it is on the list of nations that could have suffered collateral damage from the 2014 oil slump); Guyana’s economic luck might be running out this time around.

At least this is the view of three respected financial experts, including a former World Bank economist, who predicted that Guyana may be weeks away from finding itself in the face of a recession demon that is similar to the ones that have been haunting neighbouring Venezuela, and Suriname among others, for some time now.

From experiencing a suddenly volatile currency exchange rate, stagnant economic growth, declining foreign investments, and a growing unemployment problem, Jeremy Blaine, a leading economic analyst at Accenture and a former World Bank consultant, told the Guyana Guardian that these are clear indicators that the writing is already on Guyana’s wall.

He noted that the government might have been caught in the middle of a spin-off from the underground economy that could have been brewing since the 2008-2009 global financial crisis, but which could have been made worse by current poor economic and social governance decisions.

In his opinion, a currently poor economy policy, a growing anti-investment climate, and a string of misguided taxation measures are taking a reverse toll on the country’s private sector, while the population’s spending power has been significantly reduced, to the detriment of the country’s overall economic outlook.

The economist stressed that one of many examples will be the poorly advised abrupt closure of sections of the sugar industry, which has since starved the economy of billions of dollars of surplus money that was previously being injected into the ailing sector from the treasury.

He reiterated that, even though government surpluses (such as the billions of dollars that were previously being injected into Guysuco) can indeed be an irritant to the treasury, it can actually turn out to be a blessing to the economy if the surplus money is going directly to the thousands of workers whose households would usually triple into thousands of consumers.

He further explained that in that way the surplus money ensures that the economy itself is being propped up, as the cash would usually spreads itself out across various commercial sectors.

Hence pulling that five billion dollars or so per year in budgetary surplus from Guysuco would mean pulling an average of $12 million per day from the extended economy.

And in such a case this will amount to reduced consumer spending power, reduced commercial income, and a reduction in tax intake.

Therefore, he is suggesting that government immediately take certain measures to increase consumer spending power, and to also create large scale employment opportunities.

“Unless the government can swiftly cut consumer taxes, offer direct foreign investment concessions, increase lending and spending via a central bank created digital currency which can substitute as a multi-billion dollar stimulus package, cut bank lending interest rates, hold off on closing down the sugar estates, re-engage migrating foreign investors such as Bai-Shanlin, and temporary insure certain classes of consumer credit, a recession will be imminent for Guyana,” he said.

While a string of recessions has been hitting the global economy hard, Guyana among several other countries was initially able to stave off the recession curse from hitting their shores.

But with several untested changes in government’s economic policy as of last year, a loss of several foreign export markets, and an increase in the global stranglehold on funding from several major donor countries, Guyana along with other nations has been losing out to direct foreign investments, investor created jobs, and needed foreign exchange, on a large scale.

For example, during the latter part of 2016, controversial Chinese company Bai ShanLin, and the Malaysian-owned Barama Company Ltd, began winding down their operations in Guyana, which has since seen just over 400 Guyanese directly and indirectly losing their jobs.

And with a handful of sugar estates facing closure, while certain agricultural sectors such as rice are being stifled by a limited export market, the government seems to be underestimating the potential economic woes that may be in waiting.

But as for an impending recession, many are doubtful that it is an experience that Guyanese may be prepared for.

However, many are still hoping that the government will initiate emergency measures that will be aimed at preventing a full-blown economic fall-out.

Republished with permission of the Guyana Guardian


News, Politics

Rusty Liburd Launches “Real Change” Campaign for post of PAM Deputy Leader

TV Talk Show Host Selwyn “Rusty” Liburd has launched his campaign for the post of Deputy Leader of the People’s Action Movement-PAM. The former Party Chairman confirmed his intentions and launced “REAL CHANGE” campaign via Social Media. The Launch comes some 10 days before the Party is expected to meet in Caucus on April 8th to elect a new executive to chart the way forward for the next year and likely into the next General

Elections in 2020. The new Executive will ne ratified at the Party Convention which is scheduled for April 23rd at the Party Headquarters.

The Filmmaker/Writer/Director Liburd is a highly educated  recent Post Graduate of Full Sail University and holds a Masters Degree in
Journalism and a Bachelors Degree in Public Relations . He  is the owner of SBL Communications the producers of Rap with Rusty a weekly TV Talk Show that’s aired on ZIZ.

Liburd served as PAM Chairman from 2012 to 2013  and also helde various positions within the Party from President of the Young Pamites and various executive roles up to his election as Chairman in

PAM 52ND Convention set for April 23rd 2017

2012. In 2013 Liburd was one of two persons vying for the Central Basseterre PAM Candidacy along with Attorney Jonel Powell. Powell eventually got the nod over Liburd in what was a memorable campaign for the Candidacy of PAM Central.


The Current Deputy Leaders of PAM are the Hon. Eugene Hamilton and His Excellency Ambassador Jonel Powell. PAM Leader Hon. Shawn K Richards is the Deputy Prime Minister of St.Kitts-Nevis. PAM holds more seats in the St.Kitts-Nevis Parliament than any other party and they are one of three partner parties including the CCM and the PLP that make up the ruling Team UNITY Administration led by Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris.


Local news, Politics

Rt. Hon Dr. Denzil L. Douglas attends Police Awar

Rt. Hon Dr. Denzil L. Douglas attends Police Award
Ceremony; Congratulates deserving Retired Officers

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS March 18th 2017 – Former Prime Minister and Minister of National Security of St. Kitts and Nevis, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas was in attendance at the Officer’s Mess Dinner and Award Ceremony at the St. Kitts Marriott and Beach Resort on Friday night.

Dr. Douglas joined in extending heartfelt congratulations to retired officers of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force who were awarded for their years of service in the area of law enforcement in the Federation.

The ceremony was attended by members of the High Command of the Force as well as family and friends of the awardees. The awardees would have served for the greater part of their professional service in the Force under the tenure of the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas who held the ministerial portfolio for National Security and hence had responsibility for the Police Force.

Dr. Douglas was generous in his commendation of all the officers who held the ranks from Assistant Commissioner to that of Inspector of Police and who would have served in various Departments in the Force throughout their career.

He said that in their respective ways, they would have impacted the Forces’ efforts to implement the safety and security agenda as the Federation forged ahead in creating and sustaining an enabling environment for development which was a priority for his Labour Party Administration.

Dr. Douglas noted that the aggregate years of these officers who had responsibility for operations, intelligence, criminal investigations, immigration, special services among others, would have contributed significantly to the advancement of law enforcement as the nation managed to attain the leading position in economic growth and development in the sub region.

Dr. Douglas, who never missed an occasion of this nature during his tenure as Head of Government and Minister of National Security, never hesitated to socialize with the officers.

He equally lauded the spouses, parents, siblings and other family members for the support that they gave to the officers over the years that accounted, in large measure for their successful performance and the effective execution of their duties while in the Force.

The officers awarded were ACP Robert Liburd, ACP Vaughn Henderson (who is now serving as Crown Counsel), ACP Mireless Dolphin, Supt. Charles Smithen, Inspector Winston Wilkenson, Insp Rufus Webbe, Insp. Luther Kelly, Insp. Zanhestal Hector and Insp. Franklyn Belgrove,

Force Chaplain, Rev. Leroy Benjamin and Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Eulynis Morton were also among the list of awardees.

Dr. Douglas commended Commissioner of Police Mr. Ian Queeley for his leadership of the law enforcement agency and the other members of the organizing committee for their contribution towards the successful outcome of this evening’s event.


Local news, News, Politics

Dr. Douglas achieves milestone of 28 years of parliamentary service

Published 30 March 2017

Dr. Douglas achieves milestone of 28 years of parliamentary service

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, March 23rd 2017 – Leader of the Opposition the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas on Tuesday celebrated 28 years as Parliamentary Representative for St. Christopher 6 (Newton Ground to Harris’).

Dr. Douglas first served in the St. Kitts and Nevis National Assembly as Leader of the Opposition from March 1989 to July 2nd 1995; as Prime Minister from July 3rd 1995 to February 15th and is now on his second stint as Leader of the Opposition from February 16th 2015.


Local news, News, Politics

PLP recognises and awards individuals who gave support during its formative days

Published 30 March 2017
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, March 28, 2017 (PLP PR Media Inc.) — When the Peoples Labour Party’s (PLP) Political Leader, Dr the Hon Timothy Harris appeared on Sugar City 90.3 FM’s ‘People’s Choice’ programme on Monday March 27, he told the host: “All is well with the Peoples Labour Party. Our support is at its strongest level.”
Dr Harris, who is also the Prime Minister of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, told the programme’s host Ambassador Michael Powell that the party had come thus far and especially its phenomenal growth in the Team Unity Movement because of the unwavering support it received from a number of individuals, many who gave voluntary service.