Local news, News, Weather


Published 3 July 2019

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Weather Bulletin
Issued at: 4pm Wednesday 3rd July, 2019
Present Weather: Cloudy
Winds: A gentle breeze of 10mph from the east
Temperature: 29°C / 85°F Max Temp: 31°C / 89°F Humidity: 69%
Sea Level Pressure: 1015.3mbs or 29.98’’
24hr rainfall at the R.L. Bradshaw Intl. at 2 pm: 4.6mm / 0.18”
Amount of rainfall for the month of July: 4.6mm / 0.18”
Sunrise: Tom 5:41 am               Sunset: Tom 6:49 pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8 pm Tomorrow
Winds: East at 12 to 18mph.
Seas: 1.5 metres or 5 feet.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: A surface high pressure will
dominate the area for the next 24 hours. Meanwhile, moisture associated
with a tropical wave could bring some showers across the area by tomorrow
afternoon and evening. Therefore, skies over St. Kitts and Nevis tonight will
be mainly fair. Tomorrow will be partly cloudy with a 40 percent or
moderate chance of late afternoon showers.



24Hr Weather Forecast ( Wednesday 3rd July, 2019)

Published 3 July 2019

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

24Hr Weather Forecast ( Wednesday 3rd July, 2019)

Valid until Thursday 4th July at 8am.

Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport
St. Kitts Meteorological Services
St. Christopher Air & Sea Port Authority
P.O. Box 963
St. Kitts
Tel: 869 465 2749 Tele- fax: 869 465 9122



7am Wx forecast 2nd July, 2019

Published 2 July 2019

Buckie Got It St Kitts And Nevis News Source

7am Wx forecast 2nd July, 2019

Wx forecast valid until 3rd July, 2019 at 8am.

Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport
St. Kitts Meteorological Services
St. Christopher Air & Sea Port Authority
P.O. Box 963
St. Kitts
Tel: 869 465 2749 Tele- fax: 869 465 9122



Weather Report 7am 1st July 2019

Published 1 July 2019

Buckie Got It St Kitts And Nevis News Source

Weather Report 7am 1st July 2019

Valid until 8am 2nd July 2019




Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport

St. Kitts Meteorological Services

St. Christopher Air & Sea Port Authority

P.O. Box 963


St. Kitts

Tel: 869 465 2749                                Tele- fax: 869 465 9122



Local news, News, Weather

Weather forecast 28/06/2019(7am)

Published 28 June 2019

Buckie Got It St Kitts And Nevis News Source

Weather Bulletin
Issued at: 6am Friday 28th June, 2019
Present Weather: Cloudy skies
Winds: A Moderate breeze of 13mph from the Northeast
Temperature: 26°C / 78°F Humidity: 70%
Sea Level Pressure: 1017.8mbs or 30.05″
Sunrise: Tom 5:40 am        Sunset: Today 6:49 pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8am Tomorrow
Winds: Easterly at 22mph with some gusts in showers possible
during the morning.
Seas: 1.2 to 1.8 metres or 4 to 6 feet.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Some moisture and
instability associated with the northern end of a tropical wave will
heighten the chance of showers across the islands during the
morning. Later this afternoon and tonight some dry air moving back
into the region will reduce the chance of showers.
Weather today: Cloudy with a 70 percent or high chance of showers
during the morning and partly cloudy with a 40 percent or moderate
chance of showers during the afternoon.
Weather tonight: Partly cloudy with a 30 percent or low chance of
Eastern Caribbean Forecast: Moisture and instability surging
ahead of a westward moving tropical wave will result in cloudy to
overcast skies with showers and thunderstorms across the Windward
Islands south to Trinidad and Tobago. Periods of heavy rainfall are
expected over these islands. Meanwhile some moisture moving into
the Leeward Islands this morning will increase the chance of showers,
while dry air moving back into the area tonight will reduce the chance
of showers. The chance of showers will remain low across Puerto Rico
east to the Virgin Islands tonight then increasing tonight as some
moisture associated with the tropical wave moves into the region.