Local news, News

Traffic accident left one person hospitalized

Published 7 May 2017

Traffic accident in St Pauls this morning left one person hospitalalized


Local Sports, Sports

Hon Shawn K Richards Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Sports Inspects SKNABA

Published 7 May 2017

HAPPENING NOW !!! Hon Shawn K Richards Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Sports Inspects SKNABA Teams just before officially declaring the National Bank SKNABA League 2017 Officially Opened !!! Congrats to all the Clubs and Teams that were present for the colorful March past. This will not be followed by two great games including the big Marquis Match up at 8pm Tonight between A Division Champs the SP Kings and Premier Division Champs St.Paul’s Tuff Knots . SKNABA League 2017 …FOR THE LOVE OF BASKETBALL !!!!!!


Entertainment, Events, News

VOTE! VOTE! For Miss. Teresa Dias, Miss. Black San’

http://www.misslegacy.com/delegates/ #

Published 7 May 2017


VOTE! VOTE! For Miss. Teresa Dias, Miss. Black San’ local pageant 1st runner up who is currently St. Kitts and Nevis ambassador to be fast tracked to the top 5 in the Miss. Legacy International slated for this evening in Jamaica.


Local news, News

SKELEC Pickup Knocks Out Utility Pole

Published 7 May 2017

Traffic accident in Estridge/ Fig Tree Hill caused long delay last night on the island main road.


Traffic accident in Newtown where the driver destroyed a electricity pole which took out power and left the area. Sources say the vehicle that was involved with the lamp post is owned by SKELEC and was driven by an employee.



The Thought of the day

Published 8 May 2017

Good morning my dear families and friends I hope that we all had a good night’s rest.

The thought for today says “You must go after your wish. As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning.”

It’s all about taking action; doing something to move your dream forward. If you can think it up, then there is a way to do it. Find out how and own it. Have a blessed Monday and a Productive week ahead.

Today’s Tip

We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it. Listen: those who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment. For your own sake, learn from it, and LET IT GO!