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Ferry Schedule From St. Kitts and Nevis

Ferry Schedule

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News, Politics

Battle Of The Public Opinion Polls

http://www.winnfm.com/news/local/21617-battle-of-the-public-opinion-polls #

Published 18 April 2017

St Kitts and Nevis (WINN): With Team Unity just past two years into its first term of office, there is no general election on the horizon at the moment.

However there appears to be a battle of the public opinion polls raging in the federation.

Citing a newly conducted Don Anderson poll, the governing Team Unity coalition says the results show that if an election were to be held now, Prime Minister Timothy Harris and his Government of National Unity would be re-elected to serve for another five-year term.

However the Denzil Douglas-led opposition St Kitts Nevis Labour Party is also making a similar claim, based, it says on a Bill Johnson poll the SKNLP commissioned.

“The conclusion is that if an election were called today, the electorate would vote strongly in support of Douglas and the Labour Party to replace Harris and the Team Unity government” the Labour Party quotes its  commissioned public opinion poll as concluding.

The Don Anderson poll, released earlier than Labour’s Bill Johnson’s poll shows, the coalition says, that Team Unity would expand its constituency count, adding to the seven seats that its candidates won during the February 16th, 2015 general election.

Labour is countering that its Bill Johnson poll gives Party leader Douglas, the country’s opposition leader, a more favourable rating than Prime Minister Timothy Harris.

According to an SKNLP release, Dr Douglas enjoys a 67 per cent favourability rating compared to a 34 per cent rating for Dr Harris.

It says too, on the question of who would do a better job going forward, that “61.4% were convinced that Douglas would do a better job, 23.2% thought that Harris would, and 13.2% were undecided”.

The Don Anderson poll is said to have questioned 506 registered voters in the federation’s eleven constituencies, while 1100 likely voters are reported to have been polled in the Bill Johnson public opinion poll.

Don Anderson of Marketing Research Services Limited in Jamaica is a well known pollster in the region.

Bill Johnson too, is a Jamaica-based veteran pollster.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Premier Of Nevis Issues Statement On The Death Of Morella Webbe Of Cotton Ground Village

http://www.nevispages.com/premier-of-nevis-issues-statement-on-the-death-of-morella-webbe-of-cotton-ground-village/ #

Published 18 April 2017

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (April 18, 2017) — The following is a statement by Hon. Vance Amory, Premier of Nevis and Minister responsible of Security in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) on April 18, 2017, on the death of Morella Webbe of Cotton Ground.

The latest shooting in Cotton Ground, has been a great cause of concern to the Nevis island Administration (NIA) and to the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis, generally, especially as we have seen the loss of another young person Ms. Morella Webbe.

This tragic loss of life and this act of criminality and wanton waste of our human resource has to be stopped.

The last time I spoke to you, I warned about reprisals at the shooting death of one Randell Chapman. Is this a case of that reprisal? I do not know. The Police will have to determine that. However, what I do know, is that the image of the country of Nevis and St. Kitts and Nevis is being tarnished with every incident of this type.

I know I have appealed to all the people in this country – parents, leaders in the community and anyone who knows anyone who is committing or is about to commit a crime or anyone who is in possession of guns or knives which could lead to criminal activity – I make this appeal again and I do so because we are now faced with another traumatic experience and there is no excuse, as far as I am concerned, for us to continue down this path.

I have, discussed again, with the Police High Command. We have discussed their strategy and their tactics in dealing with the fight against crime. I intend to meet with the High Command here in Nevis, again, to look at ways in which we can intensify the fight against criminal activity here in Nevis.

We want our country to remain a place where people can feel comfortable to come. We want our country to be a place where we can feel at peace and we can feel safe and secure in our homes or on the streets.

I’m not here trying to make any excuse because the matter of criminality and crime and violence, is the business of everyone. It is not a party political issue and whatever may have been said in the past in respect of any responsible party or responsible persons to spearhead the fight against crime, this now, has reached the point where every single one of us has to assume that responsibility.

It is now left for me, to express my condolence to the family of the young lady whose life was snatched away from her.

This may be just pure expression of sympathy. It will not bring back that life. It will not remove the scar of the trauma nor will it remove the fear which people feel.

However, I appeal to all those who intend or have an intention of engaging in any reprisal, not to even consider it.

We will give the police the direction to take certain very serious steps to deal with this matter. I will not divulge what those steps are but I promise you, that those decisions will be very, very stringent and we will not allow the police to rest and we will not allow anyone, who is suspected of committing crimes, to rest.

We cannot take any more of this and my fellow citizens, let us see this act of criminality for what it is. It is destroying the good name of our country and we cannot allow that to happen. I spoke to you last time and said that when actions like these happen, people might want to reconsider their investments. They may want to reconsider visiting but I do know Nevis is by and large a place of peace. A place where we can feel secure but we need to know, that there will not be any re-occurrence of this dastardly type of action.

Again, I extend to all the families who have suffered and who are suffering and I ask anyone who knows any information, to pass it on to the police so they can take action to arrest the persons and bring them to justice swiftly.

This is my appeal to all of us and pray to God that we do not have a recurrence of this type of action again for this year.


Local news, News

SKNAAA Thanks Team UNITY Government and SKNOC For Providing over $1 Million for Preparation of the Nation’s CARIFTA and other Track and Field Athletes in the last 2 years

http://timescaribbeanonline.com/sknaaa-thanks-team-unity-government-sknoc-providing-1-million-preparation-nations-carifta-track-field-athletes-last-2-years/ #

Published 18 April 2017

The recent participation of the St. Kitts & Nevis athletic team in the just concluded FLOW CARIFTA Games in Curacao, has been a costly undertaking that cost the St. Kitts & Nevis Amateur Athletic Association, SKNAAA, over EC$100,000.00.

This amount was required to facilitate travel and preparation for the National Representative Team, which picked up a Gold Medal over the weekend.

The funding was made available through a joint initiative by the St. Kitts and Nevis National Olympic Committee (SKNOC), the Federal Government of St. Christopher and Nevis and the St. Kitts and Nevis Amateur Athletic Association (SKNAAA).

The national team journeyed to Curacao via Virgin Islands Air Link Charter valuing at USD32, 600 or EC$88,570.94. The SKNOC was very instrumental by ensuring that this was made possible by covering 50% of the charter cost.

Our Federal Government also made a generous contribution of EC20, 000.00. This would have been the second consecutive time within weeks that the Government would have honored financial requisitions from the SKNAAA, having also donated EC40, 500.00 to assist with replacing the High Jump bed and other equipment destroyed in a fire at the Kim Collins Athletics Stadium, days before the major inter school competitions.

Other ancillary expenses budgeted to prepare Team St. Kitts and Nevis included accommodation levies, uniforms and gear for the team, inter island travel, stipends and emergency funds. This equates to a total of EC$112, 399.81.

At the 2017 FLOW CARIFTA Games, St. Kitts and Nevis secured a Gold Medal for the third consecutive year, when Under 20 Male High Jump Athlete, Jermaine Francis outclassed his competitors in grand style to secure the CARIFTA Games Record, the National Junior Record and National Senior Record.

Francis’ performance now ranks him at #2 in the World for an Under 20 Athlete and #19 overall. Along with Francis’ historical achievement, there were a host of highlights which includes Jahnaza Francis’ double World Under 18 Qualifying Performances in the 400m and 400m Hurdles, Leroy Chapman’s personal best in the 800m Heats and Finals, the Under 18 Male 4X100m and 4X400m Teams being competitive and advancing to the Finals, Shanice Elliott being the first Female Junior Sprinter since 2009 to advance to the Final in an Under 20 100m and a cohesive effort by the team overall to excel.

The team of eleven (11) athletes and three (3) officials is scheduled to return to the Federation later today (Tuesday 18th April 2017).

The SKNOC and the Federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis remain the major financial contributors for the SKNAAA. Within the past two (2) years, well over one million dollars was spent on preparation and competition which was made available as a result of their generous contribution. For this, the SKNAAA remains grateful.

End of Release


Local news, News


http://timescaribbeanonline.com/team-unity-govt-grants-long-deserved-10-salary-increase-cable-tv-workers-st-kitts/ #

Published 18 April 2017

Basseterre, St.Kitts (April 18th 2017):- Workers at the 34 year old Cable TV Company on St.Kitts are breathing a sigh of relief after the Team UNITY Government through Minister of Communications Attorney General Hon. Vincent Byron Jr. and the Board of Directors approved a much deserved 10% pay increase for all staff. The increase which is to be applied retroactively has been long in coming as there had not been a pay increase at the company in over a decade. Despite countless appeals to the previous Dr. Denzil Douglas led administration, the workers at the Cable TV did not benefit from any increase for over ten years. The new Team UNITY Administration engaged the workers in negotiation regarded their compensation after they had become frustrated after what seemed to be an issue that had not been going anywhere for over a decade. After some negotiations the workers have finally received their much deserved salary increase of 10%.

Othneil Heyliger, Chairman of the Cable’s Board of Directors confirmed the salary increase. He indicated that it would be applied retroactively from January 2017 and applies to all levels of staff.

According to staff members the new board is very involved in the running of the company and it’s the best performance by Directors seen so far.

The government acquired majority shares in The Cable in 1990 after it was established 1983 by a group of US investors including current manager Bill Ewing.Mr. Ewing is offering to sell his 30 percent shares to government and Digicel is also in the market with an offer to acquire the company.