Local news, News


Published 12 April 2017


“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Hard times don’t create heroes. A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.”

Today is the 81st Birthday of St.Kitts-Nevis’ ONLY Living National Hero Dr. the Rt Excellent and Rt. Hon Sir Kennedy A Simmonds our country’s FIRST Prime Minister.
We wish Sir Simmonds a glorious and wonderful day today


Entertainment, Events, News


Published 12 April 2017

Don’t miss what will be a fantastic day at Black Rocks this coming Friday. GOOD FRIDAY KITE FLYING COMPETITION…Get your kites made and come! Biggest Kite $1000, most Creative Kite $500, Highest Kite $500, Oldest person with a Kite 300 (grandma and grandpa we are not leaving you out. Youngest person wins a prize too. Other competitions such as SACK RACE, LIME AND SPOON, Dominoes, Cricket…prizes, prizes, prizes. BOUNCING CASTLES, MASQUERADE, DRINKS, DUMPLING AND SALTFISH, KONKIE! MUSIC…WHAT A DAY IT WILL BE!!! I’m not missing it!!! Remember, everyone is invite to attend and compete. Me done got me kite and it’s orange!!!. Yours don’t have to be, bring what you have and come. See you there.


Local news, News

Traffic Accident

Punlished 12 April 2017

Buckie Got It…..Traffic Accident at the south east peninsula. The road is wet slippery which caused the bus skid and turned over.

Buckie Got It….Another accident at the south east just 5 minutes from the bus accident






Thought of the day

Published 12 April 2017

Buckie Got It…..Good morning my dear families and friends I hope that we all had a good nights rest.

The thought for today reminds us that “It doesn’t matter what you did or where you were… it matters where you are and what you’re doing.Get out there!! Sing the song in your heart and never let anyone shut you up!”

The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God and I will praise Him,  my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. Exodus 15:2. Have a blessed Wednesday.

Today’s Tip

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you.
What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.”


Local news, News

Buckie Got It…..read the article

Published 11 April 2017