Published 12 May 2020
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
Basseterre, St. Kitts, May 12, 2020 (SKNIS): Online services are faster and easier and allow governments to better serve citizens. Against this backdrop, the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis will move to introduce more e-services platforms for the ease of doing business.
“We can see that over time government will be building out more and more of its services online to be able to allow its citizens, businesses and visitors to interact with government through social media, web portal and mobile,” said Ophelia Blanchard, E-Government Coordinator in the Department of Information Technology, during the May 11 edition of the National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC) COVID-19 Daily Briefing.
Ms. Blanchard outlined several areas of government that are already using e-services.
“We can see that for education, they now have their website where they can communicate with the parents and students. Inland Revenue services are more or less 80 to 90 percent online, persons can do vehicle registration,” she said. “In the legal area, we can see e-litigation where court matters at the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court level can be heard and you can have the submission of the files done electronically. We have a crime management system being worked at through the police and E-laws, we now have our laws online.”
Ms. Blanchard noted that E-Agriculture is also being looked at where “we want to move forward where agriculture, farming and fishing can go through the Agriculture Department and have an online presence where persons can be able to purchase goods.”
She noted that the digitization of the land registry is expected to come on stream in the near future, adding “that government is indeed moving forward with a digital agenda and ensuring that we can function during these times.”