Published 9 November 2020
Buckie Got It,
Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
PM Harris lauds Worship Tabernacle for engaging the youth constructively
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, November 9, 2020 (MMS-SKN) — In reaffirming the fact there is an opportunity for everyone in St. Kitts and Nevis to connect with God, Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris took the opportunity to commend the leadership of Worship Tabernacle for creating an environment that allows for people’s youthful energies to be engaged constructively.
“I am happy that everywhere in St. Kitts and Nevis, there is an opportunity for us to connect with the living and merciful God,” said Prime Minister Harris when he delivered remarks at the Worship Tabernacle on the corner of Westbourne Ghaut and Fort Thomas Streets, Basseterre, on Sunday November 8.
“I am very happy to come today and to see so many young people giving God praise and I want to commend Bishop Boland, his wife, and the leadership of the church for creating an environment in which the young, youthful energies of our people can be engaged in a constructive way.”
Prime Minister Harris, who had led members of Constituency Number Seven Group for Sunday worship, told leadership of the church that they were doing a good thing and God will bless them for their efforts.
Also accompanying the Prime Minister was Deputy Speaker Senator the Hon Dr Bernicia Nisbett, and members of the Peoples Labour Party (PLP) Constituency Number Five Executive Branch led by Pastor Glenville Mills, who is also the branch chairman.
Leading the service were Pastor Sasha Boland, Pastor Latrece Christopher, and Assistant Pastor John Francis who invited Prime Minister Harris to greet members of the congregation, while the sermon was delivered by Bishop Bernard Boland Jr.
“I want to thank you for your prayers for our beloved country, for the peace, for the stability, and for the perseverance of our leadership even in difficult times,” Prime Minister Harris told the congregation. “We need more people who will pray – pray in good times and pray in difficult times.”
The Honourable Prime Minister informed the congregation that every Monday, when the Cabinet meets, they first start with a word of prayer. Referring to the book of Second Timothy, in the New Testament, he said there is a scripture which speaks of how God would wish governments to function. He noted that he has several people who will pray with him, people he can always call on.
Bishop Bernard Boland Jr. talked to the congregation on how to relate to those in authority and quoted from Romans 13-1 which requests everyone to be subject to the governing authorities, advising that there is no authority except that which God has established. The verse adds that the authorities that exist have been established by God.
In his message he lamented that people only read the part of the Bible “that says don’t commit fornication and adultery and that is enough to throw out on people. You do not read the part that says ‘all of you must obey those that rule over you’. So because the people in authority is not who you support, you do not obey.”
The Bishop further advised Christians against wilfully upsetting the ones they do not support and gave his own example noting that he had prepared to wear a red suit coming to church that morning, “but as I got the call that they (Prime Minister Harris and his entourage) were coming, this is not politically oriented, but I respect the fact that I don’t wear red suit here when that is not what they support.” He changed and wore a blue suit.
At the end of the service, Bishop Boland anointed Prime Minister Harris with oil, while leadership of the church through Deaconess Yvette Francis presented him with a fruit basket.

3: Clockwise from top: Pastor Sasha Boland (right) and Pastor Latrece Christopher (left); a cross-section of the congregation; Bishop Boland anoints PM Harris; PM Harris (centre) with Bishop Bernard Boland and Pastor Sasha Boland.