Published 13 January, 2021
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Taiwan 2021 ICDF Scholarships now openBasseterre, St. Kitts, January 13, 2021 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to announce that the Taiwan ICDF Academic Scholarships for those seeking to study at Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees in Taiwan are now open. Interested persons 18 years and older who possess high school diplomas or above, should fill the following forms and submit them to the Ministry of Education on or before Monday, 1st March 2021:
1. A completed application form (to be completed online at printed and signed
2. A copy of Passport Biodata page
3. A copy of the highest-level diploma and academic transcripts. (Must be certified by the Ministry of Education and authenticated by the Taiwan Embassy).
4. Two Letters of Reference
5. Any other documents specifically requested by the Embassy of Taiwan Each applicant can only apply for one programme at a time and must submit a separate programme application to his/her chosen university.
Each applicant should visit individual programme websites, provide all enrolment application documents required by that university (print out and sign), and mail to that chosen university in Taiwan. Applicants’ enrolment applications should be received by the universities they choose before the deadlines set by those universities. Original application documents must be authenticated by the Human Resource Management Department. Also, a complete set of original and authenticated documents and an additional Xerox copy of the documents are required.
Applicants are asked to take note that incomplete documents and late applications will not be accepted and/or processed. Award of scholarship decisions is made by a joint committee in Taiwan. Should interested persons or applicants have any questions, they should contact the Embassy of Taiwan at 869-465-2421.