Local news, News

Premier Hon Mark Brantley

Published 31 August 2021


Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source 

Amorelle Weekes aka Kitchener or Kitch

So today I visited some of my constituents. One in particular, Amorelle Weeks aka Kitchener or Kitch has suffered a stroke but her mind continues to be as sharp as ever. She was my mother’s dear friend and has always been very kind to me.

Having visited with her for a while, she told me that Rodney Elliott of Rodney’s Cuisine sends her lunch every single day except Sundays. She said that she doesn’t have to pay Rodney a cent.

With Rodney Elliott

Well Kitch didn’t have anyone to pick up her lunch for her today so I decided to drive to Rodney’s Cuisine, collect her lunch and take it for her.

When I got to Rodney’s I was curious as to why a small business woman like Rodney Elliott would provide lunch to Kitch 6 days each week for free. Well Rodney told me that when she was younger and things were very hard with her, Kitch had a brother in the USVI who regularly sent barrels of food to Kitch’s mother. Kitch lived with her mother and would find a way each time to smuggle some of the food from the barrel and give it to Rodney to help her.

Rodney told me that Kitch was there for her in her time of need and now that Kitch is down she will be there for Kitch.

Nevisians I keep telling you that we are a good and decent people. We are kind and generous and imbued with a spirit of greatness. This story moved me immensely because it teaches us never to forget someone’s kindness to us and always be our brother’s keeper and our sister’s helper. Thank God for Kitch. Thank God for Rodney. Thank God for Nevis.

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