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St. Kitts Tourism Authority Launches Exciting New Marketing Venture with Branded Cars, Captivating New York City

Published 14 February 2024

Basseterre, Buckie Got It Media Source

St. Kitts Tourism Authority Launches Exciting New Marketing Venture with Branded Cars, Captivating New York City

Basseterre, St. Kitts (13 February 2024) – The St. Kitts Tourism Authority is once again demonstrating its commitment to growing the stayover market and raising brand awareness with an exhilarating marketing strategy. For the next five weeks, vibrant St. Kitts branding will take the bustling streets of New York City by storm, as taxi cabs are wrapped in eye-catching designs to promote the peak season winter promotion.

This unique campaign, in partnership with Firefly and Neustar, utilizes the digital media platform to connect with audiences through taxis and rideshare vehicles. By leveraging Neustar data that measures mobile devices within the street level around the vehicle, the campaign guarantees targeted impressions and maximizes exposure to the ideal audience.

The five-week campaign includes digital tops on multiple cars, with ads activating within specific zip codes or neighborhoods most likely to contain our target market. In addition, a two-week “swarm” activation will feature 10 fully wrapped and branded cars with 100% share of voice for those two weeks throughout New York City.

The strategic decision to launch this advertising campaign coincides with the excitement and global attention of Fashion Week, placing St. Kitts at the forefront of potential travelers’ minds during the winter months. Leveraging New York City’s status as a hub for high-income individuals who are likely to travel internationally, this campaign aims to captivate a high-potential audience during a key moment in their city’s cultural calendar.

To accurately measure the number of impressions, the St. Kitts Tourism Authority will utilize Firefly’s digital platform and Neustar’s mobile device data. This ensures that our messages reach our target demographic effectively.

Engagement and conversion rates will be tracked through the integration of QR codes and unique URLs on our digital and wrapped vehicles. This will provide a direct link between the campaign and increased interest in St. Kitts.

Already generating buzz on social media, residents, citizens in the diaspora, and enthusiastic visitors have been sharing captivating images and videos of the eye-catching taxis cruising through Manhattan’s vibrant borough.

“The positive feedback we have received on our newest campaign is a testament to the innovative and digital marketing initiatives we have implemented to bolster brand awareness during the peak winter season,” said Ellison “Tommy” Thompson, Chief Executive Officer of the St. Kitts Tourism Authority. “Simultaneously, as the tri-state area endures a snowstorm, St. Kitts is strategically beaming its tropical allure to pedestrians, enticing them to escape to our warm paradise.”

The campaign strategically places these branded taxis throughout high-traffic areas, offering a constant and visual reminder to everyone who encounters them that St. Kitts is the ultimate escape from the cold winter climate. This innovative marketing method ensures that the destination remains top-of-mind for those in search of an idyllic tropical getaway.

Driven by its mission to foster the sustainable growth of the tourism sector, the St. Kitts Tourism Authority continuously pushes the boundaries of traditional marketing practices. By leveraging the influence of social media and the visual impact of the branded taxis, the Authority is confident that this captivating campaign will enhance the visibility and desirability of St. Kitts as a premier travel destination.

To keep the excitement alive, the St. Kitts Tourism Authority encourages everyone in New York City to share their encounters with the branded taxis on various social media platforms using the hashtags #StKittsTaxis, #VentureDeeper, and #StKitts. This will create a digital footprint that resonates with potential travelers, inspiring them to experience the wonders of St. Kitts firsthand.

As the St. Kitts Tourism Authority delights in captivating the senses and igniting wanderlust, the branded taxis initiative sets the stage for an extraordinary peak season winter promotion as it brings a taste of tropical paradise to the heart of New York City.

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