Published 27 July 2017
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News
Use of armed police to deliver dismissal letter to Dr. Patrick Martin an abuse of power, intimidation
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, JULY 27TH 2017 – The use of two uniformed police officers, one armed – to deliver a letter to the home of the Federation’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Patrick Martin, terminating his services with immediate effect “is an act of intimidation and an abuse of power.”
“Today in St. Kitts and Nevis, the crime rate is very high, irrespective of the misleading statements from Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris. You going to take two police officers to deliver a notification letter of termination to the CMO. Are we serious about fighting crime?,” asked caretaker for St. Christopher 8, Dr. Terrance Drew.