Business, Economics, News

St Kitts-Nevis government to introduce campaign finance law #

Published 7 April, 2017

By Ken Richards

BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) — Campaign financing is part of the St Kitts and Nevis government’s good governance legislative agenda, Prime Minister Timothy Harris confirmed on Wednesday at a press conference.

The prime minister was responding to a question about how much of a priority for the administration that issue is.

“Campaign financing that is part of good governance and that is a matter that is there, when that particular program is put to the public then the public will be advised of it. You brought in too, the mischief being propagated by persons who are no longer with the PLP in large measure because of that mischief.”

Harris was referring to a question from WINN FM about allegations from three former executive members of Harris’s Peoples Labour Party (PLP), allegations of unaccounted for campaign funds.

The prime minister told reporters that legal action had already been initiated on that matter.

Citing an apology he had received from one media house on the issue, Harris suggested that others could find themselves before the court on the unaccounted for campaign funds allegations.

“I would therefore caution those who want to propagate those mischief, that they will answer to the court. I myself, is not going to get into any to or fro but it is discouraging when media houses attempt to take hearsay without a scintilla of evidence from disaffected persons and attempt to propagate it as if there is some truth in it. Not one scintilla of evidence and that has been reported not just by myself, but by senior members of the party.

“In fact all you have from those stories are some hearsay. Not one credible bit of evidence has been put in the public domain, so why are we talking about this hearsay and propaganda that people are attempting to put on social media for others to follow. I have taken legal action because ultimately that is where the matter will resolve itself,” Harris said.

Former PLP deputy leader Sam Condor, chairman Douglas Wattley and secretary Clecton Phillip have been calling for an inquiry into the alleged unaccounted for campaign funds.

The three are no longer executive members of the PLP, after a new executive was voted in at the party’s recent convention.

They continue to maintain however, that there is need for an inquiry into the matter.

WINN FM’s follow-up question pointing this out didn’t find favour with Harris.

“Yes but if it is a question to do with the PLP, please that is a matter already before lawyers and I will not entertain any questions to do with that matter,” he said.

WINN FM wished to follow up on a statement that the prime minister made by pointing out that the allegations were not coming from persons on the street but from three persons who were executive members.

“For the record I am not entertaining that discussion at an appropriate forum of the PLP you could perhaps put that to the PLP. I am dealing here as the prime minister with matters relevant to the government and the accusation of members, whoever they are, of the PLP have no bearing on the functioning of this government and they are not matters that I raised or matters that I figure a press conference of the government should be diverted to,” the prime minister replied.

Republished with permission of West Indies News Network


Education, Local news, News

UNESCO Programme specialist on Youth Policy Pays Courtesy Call on Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Shawn K. Richards #

Published 7 April, 2017

 (NATCOM) – Basseterre, April 3, 2017: Programme Specialist  for Social and Human Sciences Sector  and Gender Focal Point in the UNESCO Cluster Office for the Caribbean Ms. Gisselle Burbano,  visited the Federation last week to participate in the final consultation on the Youth Policy towards which UNESCO has provided substantial technical and financial assistance.

According to Secretary General of the National Commission for UNESCO Mr. Antonio Maynard, Ms. Burbano came to participate as a means of solidifying UNESCO’s continued commitment to seeing the project through to completion as well as its implementation in the various sectors thereafter in collaboration with its partner in this venture, the Commonwealth.


Mr. Maynard stated that UNESCO in keeping with its mandate obligates itself to ensuring that young people are empowered to benefit from the communities in which they live and to be equipped to contribute significantly as well.

The visiting consultant on the Youth Policy took the opportunity to meet with Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture Hon Shawn Richards on whose initiative the revival of Youth Policy development was sparked.

UNESCO’s role has been outstanding as one of the United Nations agencies most visible in the pursuit of the youth agenda. The framework for the youth policy and development is largely set by the United Nations (UN) and its various agencies, subsidiary organs and affiliated organizations to establishing strategies, targets and indicators that guide actions, targets and indicators on the issues of girls, women, males, marginalized populations and young people, that are relevant in the development of youth policy.

Minister of Education Hon Shawn Richards said the drafting and implementation of a National Youth Policy is a “win-win” across sectors. He noted specifically that “as a tool that would guide governmental agencies in support of youth development as well as a lobbying instrument for youth-serving agencies and organizations, it would assist in the advocacy for obtainable targets and goals for young people.”

The consultant and Deputy Prime Minister Richards also took the opportunity to discuss related matters including Gender Equity; Doping in Sports and other youth centered projects and programmes in which UNESCO’s role has been outstanding and invaluable.

Minister Richards stated that the support from UNESCO and the Commonwealth has been insightful and laid the groundwork for a successful endeavour as his ministry has sought to ensure that the Federal Youth Policy 2017-2022 is being done in consultation with the Global Agenda for Youth Development as well as the OECS and CARICOM Agendas which outline global themes and priorities.

In the national context the following have been identified as priority goals: Economic Participation; Safety, Security and Protection: Education and Lifelong Learning; Health and Wellbeing; Youth as Agents of democracy, development and nation building: Youth and Sustainable Development as well as Youth Development Work

According to the document the youth policy is predicated within an image of success for all young people, and ideal vision of the Federation with young women and men as enablers and assets to current and future development.

A national youth policy is a clear framework, based on rights, needs, youth talents and assets that establishes the agreed agenda and investment strategy for cross-sectoral supports for youth wellbeing.

It provides the comprehensive framework for inclusive participation of young people as assets to national development; cooperation and integrated supports to build resilience and strengths for young people’s empowerment; a national system of accountability on the impacts of investments in youth development as well as building national capacity for the quality conduct and management of youth work and development as an enabler of national development.


Business, International news, Local news, News

US Decision To Stop Funding The UN Population Fund May Affect C’bean Countries

Published: 5 April 2017

St Kitts and Nevis (WINN): The federation’s former Chief Medical Officer has been commenting on the US decision to stop funding the United Nations Population Fund.

Dr Patrick Martin tells WINN FM the move is not likely to affect St Kitts and Nevis as much as it may a few other Caribbean states and other nations of the world.

“The UN Population Fund is designed to help women to have a safe and healthy lifestyle,  I think that we are doing pretty well on local resources. The Population Fund is directed at having safe pregnancies, making sure that women have the right to choose and have control over their bodies, I think we could handle that with local funds. The family planning unit was very active back in the 70’s, 80’s and probably 90’s but I think since then, government and other agencies have been doing the necessary work. In other countries around the world the pulling of the United States support will affect UN programmes.”

WINN FM asked if the rest of the Caribbean would be affected.

“Probably places like Haiti and other parts of CARICOM like Guyana pops into my mind where the United Nations family programmes are very active. That’s not to say that we don’t need any support because support comes in technical ways in terms of research and documentation but some countries need direct financial support and the loss of that should see a rise in more women dying in pregnancy, more unintended pregnancies, botched abortions and that kind of stuff.”

WINN also asked Dr Martin to comment on the policies of the Trump administration regarding this aspect.

Dr Martin replied that “There are persons in the Trump administration who do not believe that women are equal to men and that women should not have control over their reproduction, that is very clear.”


Crime/Justice, Education, Local news, News


Published: 5 April 2017

Andrew Mosquito speaks to the crowd of mostly school-aged students at the rally
Kadeem Carty delivers powerful message at anti-crime youth

Kadeem Carty delivers powerful message at anti-crime youth

Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 05, 2017 (SKNIS):Recipients of a three-month-long intensive training on combating crime in St. Kitts and Nevis, especially among young people, pledged to take a new path in life and showed appreciation to Dr. Neals Chitan, International Social Skills Consultant and Crime Reduction Specialist, during an anti-crime march and rally held in St. Kitts on Tuesday, April 04, at the Independence Square in Basseterre.

The event, which heard persons shouting the rallying anti-crime cry “Stop ‘n’ Think before you proceed,” came as a result of the successful completion of a powerful social skills campaign that was launched at the Advanced Vocational Education Centre (AVEC) in January 2017. The project was designed to engage strategies to help individuals, families and communities, in the Federation avoid a number of destructive behaviours, including but not limited to, disrespectful confrontations; criminal and violent activities; and impulsive quick reactions.

Speaking at the anti-crime rally, Andrew Mosquito, an AVEC student, reflected on the lessons imparted to him, while noting that they impacted him on both a personal and professional level.

“Dr. Chitan’s presentations were nothing like I have experienced before. The most impressive part about his discussions was that he grasped everyone’s attention using only raw facts. Over the last three months, his wealth of knowledge impacted me in a tremendous way, and the manner in which he broke down realistic situations opened my eyes on life experiences and allowed me to view reality from a different perspective,” said Mr. Mosquito. “Anxiously, I looked forward to attending his sessions because his interesting discussions aroused my curiosity for learning. I feel confident now that I can apply what I have learned to my-day-to day life,” he added.

Mr. Mosquito described Dr. Chitan as brilliant and saluted him for his generosity in putting the programme together. “I know there is much more to learn from you so I am inviting you back to sit with us once again, for as a new leaf turns, there will be new students, fresh minds to teach and more eyes to be opened,” he said, addressing Dr. Chitan at yesterday’s rally.

Kadeem Carty, also a student at AVEC, noted that Dr. Chitan was an exceptional teacher, as he made sure that no student was left behind. He added that Dr. Chitan took a step-by-step approach to ensure that persons understood life, how to go about it, and listened attentively to their impacting stories.

Addressing the mostly school-aged audience, Kadeem then said, “Whatever you can do in life, my [advice] to you is to move forward. Never, ever, let anyone stop your dream. Your dream is your reality, your dream is your success, your dream is phenomenal,” he said, while encouraging persons to stand up and be positive. “Please, St. Kitts and Nevis, why are we ill-treating one another, why are we killing our brother [or sister] when he or she can be loved, when he or she can make a success for St. Kitts and Nevis?”

Mr. Carty encouraged persons to stop and think before they act because doing anything impulsive could harm the country’s tourism product.

Both young men paid recognition to Dr. Chitan for his commitment and dedication to crime-fighting. They extended thanks to him for believing in the students and being a positive role model in the lives of many.

Approximately 308 students across St. Kitts who worked along with Dr. Chitan over the last 12 weeks will graduate on Saturday, April 08 and receive their Life Skills Achievement Certificates. With their certificates now in hand, they will be better equipped to make more informed decisions.

Similarly, a second march and rally is scheduled for Nevis on Thursday, April 06, starting at the Grell-Hull Stevens Netball Complex.

A section of students assembled in the Independence Square for the anti-crime rally

A section of students assembled in the Independence Square for the anti-crime rally


Business, International news, News

World food prices back down in March after two-year high: FAO #

Published: 6 April 2017

World food prices were back down in March after hitting a two-year high last month, with cereal harvests expected to be robust and markets stable this year, the United Nations food agency said on Thursday.

Prices for food products fell for five straight years due to ample supply, a slowing global economy and a strong U.S. dollar but in the last two months the index rose and reached 175.5 points in February, a record high since the same period in 2015.

In March the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) price index, which measures monthly price changes for a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat and sugar, averaged 171 points, down 2.8 percent compared to the previous month.

All food prices were down due to large supplies and the expectation of strong harvests, but meat ones were up 0.7 percent due to high demand for bovine and pig meat from Asia.

FAO forecasts global cereal production to be 2,597 million this year, just under the record output in 2016, because of a reduction in global wheat production and planting cuts expected in Australia, Canada and the United States.

The inching down with respect to last year is mainly due to an expected reduction in global wheat production, due to fall 2.7 percent this year.

Consumption of cereal is expected to grow by 0.8 percent in 2017 to 2,597 million tonnes as the use of grains for biofuels and to feed animals will grow less than in the past.

(Reporting by Giulia Segreti)