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Published 23 April 2917

Buckie Got It…..PAM 52ND CONVENTION “TURNT WAY UP!” Prime Minister and Leader of PLP and Team Unity Dr Hon. Timothy Harris is joined by Deputy Leader of PLP Senator Hon. Akilah Byron Nisbett and the leader and Deputy Leader of CCM Nevis Premier Vance Amory and Deputy Premier Hon. Mark Brantley respectively in giving support to the PAM at their 52nd National Convention HAPPENING NOW at PAM Headquarters


Local news, News

Prime Minister Dr Hon Timothy Harris joins Senior Minister and Nevis Premier Vance Amory and other Cabinet Colleagues at the Historic unveiling of the Bust of the Rt Excellent Dr. Sir Simeon Daniel in Charlestown, Nevis

Published 20 April

Buckie Got It…HAPPENING NOW !!! Prime Minister Dr Hon Timothy Harris joins Senior Minister and Nevis Premier Vance Amory and other Cabinet Colleagues at the Historic unveiling of the Bust of the Rt Excellent Dr. Sir Simeon Daniel in Charlestown, Nevis


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

The above were found by a squad of SKND

Published 20 April 2017

The above were found by a squad of SKNDF soldiers while on patrol on Nevis this morning:
1 x Smith and Wesson revolver
1 x 357 Magnum pistol with 10 rounds and
1x Tech 9 machine pistol with an extended magazine and 21 9mm rds.

Also recovered were: 19 7.62mm rds of ammo.
A transparent bag containing vegetable substance believed to be cannabis and
A vendetta mask.

Six persons were held and handed over to the police.


Economics, Education, Local news, News


Published 19 April 2017

Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 19, 2017 (SKNIS): The Department of Environment recognizes climate variability and climate change to be two of the most significant threats to sustainable development in St. Kitts and Nevis. Against this backdrop, a number of persons from various fields throughout the federation are currently attending an eight day National Training Workshop in the Use of Climate Models for Decision Making.

The workshop, which runs from April 19-28, is held under the auspices of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Center (CCCCC) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

June Hughes, Senior Environment Officer at the Department of Environment, said that the training is timely, as climate change continues to be a clear and present danger. She noted that the department is working closely with regional and international partners to ensure that persons are aware of the dangers that exist.

“We in the Department of Environment have been working to raise awareness on the impacts of climate change, while taking advantage of every capacity building opportunity to improve our adaptive response have strengthened our mitigation measures,” she said. “Each training, workshop and meeting strengthens our country to address and reduce the impacts of climate change.”

Dr. Ulric Trotz, Deputy Executive Director at CCCCC, explained that the workshop would first be rolled out nationally in all 10 countries under the USAID banner, after which regional workshops will be held. He made mention of specific training tools that were developed with the aim of assisting in the generation of scientific information and analysis to help in making informed decisions. These include the Weather Generator (WG), the Tropical Storm Model/ Simple Model for the Advection of Storms and Hurricanes (SMASH), and the Caribbean Drought Assessment Tool (CARiDRO).

“The CARIWIG [Caribbean Weather Impacts Group] tool is a critical tool in that it more or less localizes the projection so that for instance, you can actually look at climate projections for the future in a watershed in St. Kitts and Nevis. It localizes that information and it makes it much more relevant to the local circumstance,” said Dr. Trotz.

The deputy executive director encouraged participants to acquire all the knowledge necessary, as it is the presenters hope that at the end of the training “a cadre of technical skills” would be developed in St. Kitts and Nevis and the region on whole that would help to deal successfully with the challenges faced from climate change.

Training and application of the tools will allow decision-makers to better understand the potential impacts of drought, tropical storms, and rainfall and temperature changes. When combined with other data and information, they can help to build a picture of potential impacts to key economic sectors in the country. The training will target key personnel whose focus are in areas of agriculture, water resources, coastal zone management, health, physical planning or disaster risk reduction.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Premier Of Nevis Issues Statement On The Death Of Morella Webbe Of Cotton Ground Village

http://www.nevispages.com/premier-of-nevis-issues-statement-on-the-death-of-morella-webbe-of-cotton-ground-village/ #

Published 18 April 2017

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (April 18, 2017) — The following is a statement by Hon. Vance Amory, Premier of Nevis and Minister responsible of Security in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) on April 18, 2017, on the death of Morella Webbe of Cotton Ground.

The latest shooting in Cotton Ground, has been a great cause of concern to the Nevis island Administration (NIA) and to the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis, generally, especially as we have seen the loss of another young person Ms. Morella Webbe.

This tragic loss of life and this act of criminality and wanton waste of our human resource has to be stopped.

The last time I spoke to you, I warned about reprisals at the shooting death of one Randell Chapman. Is this a case of that reprisal? I do not know. The Police will have to determine that. However, what I do know, is that the image of the country of Nevis and St. Kitts and Nevis is being tarnished with every incident of this type.

I know I have appealed to all the people in this country – parents, leaders in the community and anyone who knows anyone who is committing or is about to commit a crime or anyone who is in possession of guns or knives which could lead to criminal activity – I make this appeal again and I do so because we are now faced with another traumatic experience and there is no excuse, as far as I am concerned, for us to continue down this path.

I have, discussed again, with the Police High Command. We have discussed their strategy and their tactics in dealing with the fight against crime. I intend to meet with the High Command here in Nevis, again, to look at ways in which we can intensify the fight against criminal activity here in Nevis.

We want our country to remain a place where people can feel comfortable to come. We want our country to be a place where we can feel at peace and we can feel safe and secure in our homes or on the streets.

I’m not here trying to make any excuse because the matter of criminality and crime and violence, is the business of everyone. It is not a party political issue and whatever may have been said in the past in respect of any responsible party or responsible persons to spearhead the fight against crime, this now, has reached the point where every single one of us has to assume that responsibility.

It is now left for me, to express my condolence to the family of the young lady whose life was snatched away from her.

This may be just pure expression of sympathy. It will not bring back that life. It will not remove the scar of the trauma nor will it remove the fear which people feel.

However, I appeal to all those who intend or have an intention of engaging in any reprisal, not to even consider it.

We will give the police the direction to take certain very serious steps to deal with this matter. I will not divulge what those steps are but I promise you, that those decisions will be very, very stringent and we will not allow the police to rest and we will not allow anyone, who is suspected of committing crimes, to rest.

We cannot take any more of this and my fellow citizens, let us see this act of criminality for what it is. It is destroying the good name of our country and we cannot allow that to happen. I spoke to you last time and said that when actions like these happen, people might want to reconsider their investments. They may want to reconsider visiting but I do know Nevis is by and large a place of peace. A place where we can feel secure but we need to know, that there will not be any re-occurrence of this dastardly type of action.

Again, I extend to all the families who have suffered and who are suffering and I ask anyone who knows any information, to pass it on to the police so they can take action to arrest the persons and bring them to justice swiftly.

This is my appeal to all of us and pray to God that we do not have a recurrence of this type of action again for this year.