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Seventh Day Adventist E.Y.E.S. Seminar Mar 14, 2017


Seventh Day Adventist E.Y.E.S. Seminar

(ZIZ News) — Every year, the third Saturday in March is observed as Youth Day by the Seventh Day Adventist Church annually.

And this year the Zion Seventh Day Adventist Church in Sandy Point will commemorate the day with a youth seminar.

The seminar will be held under the theme “E.Y.E.S” (Enhancing Youth Empowerment Seminar).

In an interview with ZIZ News, Youth Leader Gloria Mills said the Seventh Day Adventist Church worldwide makes provision for the education of the youth as an integral part of the church body.


Local news, News

Senior Minister and Premier Vance Amory and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Mark Brantley attended tonight a major event in London with tourism officials from Nevis with over 150 influential Britons as they watched together the film “Who Was Phillipa?


Senior Minister and Premier Vance Amory and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Mark Brantley attended tonight a major event in London with tourism officials from Nevis with over 150 influential Britons as they watched together the film “Who Was Phillipa? Set partly in Devon in England and partly in Nevis the film is a moving portrayal of tribulation and triumph. Much thanks and appreciation to Dr June Goodflied who made this all possible and who at a young 90 years old continues to have indomitable courage and indefatigable energy.


Local news, News

March Madness with Fow

Buckie Got It…..Team,

These are the three contestants that are eligible to win $5000.00 this Wednesday.

Who will win the grand prize of $5,000 this Wednesday on the People’s Show?
You can be next, but you have to activate a Talk, Text & Data Combo to be in it to win it.

1st Pic: Nizron Elliot from Queen City Nevis
2nd Pic: Delisle Warner, St. Kitts
3rd Pic: Officer Simeon Liburd, St. KittsIMG_8029


Buckie Got It…..? People’s Show Breaking News?

Nevis fans the Nevis channel to watch People’s show on is Ch6 without de Box & Ch98 with de Box

It’s the People’s show for 2017 ?8:30pm to? 10pm so tell you mother to tell you father to his family to tell your family to tell their families & friends that guess what? De Return of the ? People’s Show? comin on tonight 8:30 sharp…

Also Tune in to The Peoples Show tonigt to see who will spin the Wheel Of Flowtune for a chance to win $5000..



Local news, News

Attempt Robbery

Buckie Got It….There was just an attempted robbery on the Bay Road. Two young men tried to pull a bag from a woman but was unsuccessful. They then made their get away up Malone Avenue. This took place near the Chinese on the Bay Road close the public market.