International news, Local news, News, Regional News

Sick passenger on board BA flight 2256 from St. Kitts’ RLB Airport forces plane to land in Portugal and Spain

Published 18 May 2017

Sick passenger on board BA flight 2256 from St. Kitts’
RLB Airport forces plane to land in Portugal and Spain

LONDON, ENGLAND, – British-based WICNews is reporting that a London-bound flight from St. Kitts’ Robert L Bradshaw Airport has landed in Spain after a passenger became ill.
British Airways flight 2256, which travelled via Antigua’s VC Bird International Airport on the way to Gatwick, landed on Terceira Island, off Portugal, before going on to Barajas International Airport in Madrid, Spain.
Terceira is an island in the Azores archipelago, in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean.


Local news, News, Politics

St. Kitts and Nevis opposition leader clears air on IPSA

Published 17 May 2017

St. Kitts and Nevis opposition leader clears air on IPSA

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, May 17th 2017 – Leader of the Opposition, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas has refuted a statement from Prime Minister, Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris that it was his Team Unity Government that hired the due diligence firm IPSA to review the Federation’s 28-year-old Citizenship by Investment Programme.


Local news, News

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Hon Shawn K Richards at Charles E Mills Secondary School

Published 17 May 2017

HAPPENING NOW !!!!! Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Hon Shawn K Richards at Charles E Mills Secondary School at event to highlight the Hydroponics Farm Secondary School Education Programme . A new initiative by the Ministry of Education to introduce students at the secondary schools to hydroponics farming piloted at CEMSS. The programme spearheaded and Done in collaboration with Professor Stuart Laplace, lecturer at CFBC. SOMETHING GOOD IS HAPPENING …….IN EDUCATION !!


Local news, News

Public Works Assessing Damage To Bath Bridge

Published 16 March 2017

St. Kitts and Nevis (WINN); The Public Works Department in Nevis is presently conducting a preliminary assessment of the damage to the Bath Bridge, caused by heavy rains late last week.

The undermining of the bridge that leads into Bath village, however, occurred over the weekend. The Bath Bridge is said to be several decades old.

Officials closed the bridge to pedestrian and vehicular on Monday (May 15) due to safety concerns over structural failure of critical sections of the busy crossing.

Director of Public Works Raoul Pemberton, speaking to the extent of the damage, said it was due to excessive erosion of the foundation area of the bridge support, mainly in the central area.


Local news, News, Politics


Published 16 May 2017

Basseterre, St. Kitts, May 15, 2017 (SKNIS): The Draft Federal Youth Policy for St. Kitts and Nevis is going through its final stages of proof reading as preparations to advance the document to the National Assembly continue.

Special Advisor in the Ministry of Youth, Vernon Connor, said that since the National Consultation on the Federal Youth Policy 2017-2022 was held on March 28, 2017, the document was modified to include feedback from the persons and groups in attendance as well as those submitted via writing. A copy was then shared with experts at the Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for their purview. UNESCO provided support for the initiative while the Commonwealth Secretariat facilitated the six-month consultancy of youth expert, Dwynette Eversley, to collect and organize the content.