Crime/Justice, Local news, News


Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 31, 2017 (MINISTRY OF NATIONAL SECURITY)—The Ministry of National Security teams up with the St. Kitts-Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Education in organizing a massive anti-crime march and rally in St. Kitts on Tuesday 4th April, 2017.

The march and rally will involve students from all secondary schools in St. Kitts and selected primary schools, as well as students from AVEC, in shouting the rallying anti-crime cry: Stop ‘n’ Think before you proceed (to engage in undesirable, illegal or criminal activity).

The march will leave Taylor’s Range in the vicinity of Basseterre High School/ Washington Archibald High School at about 1:15 p.m., travel down Victoria Road, turn west along Cayon Street, down Church Street passing Government Headquarters, east on Liverpool Row, north up Fort Street, turning east on Central Street into Independence Square.

At Independence Square, there will be a rally. The programme will include remarks from Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris, Prime Minister, Hon. Shawn Richards, Deputy Prime Minister, and Dr. Neals Chitan, Crime Reduction Specialist. About 300 students who have been working with Dr. Chitan over the last twelve weeks in Project Stop and Think sessions will graduate and receive their Life Skills Achievement Certificates.


Local news, News


Published 31 March 2017

L-R (Orderly Marvin Stevens; Pogson Pharmacist Maryann Okeke; Nurse Christine Wattley; Dentist Dr. Theresa Wattley

(L-R) Orderly Marvin Stevens; Pogson Pharmacist Maryann Okeke; Nurse Christine Wattley; Dentist Dr. Theresa Wattley


Pogson Medical Centre

Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 31, 2017 (SKNIS)—The Sandy Point-based Pogson Hospital, which was recently rebuilt and re-commissioned as the Pogson Medical Centre on March 25, 2009, is celebrating 125 years since it was erected and commissioned on March 31, 1892.

Mr. Edward Pogson, a planter and owner of Bourkes Estate, Sandy Point, bequeathed the property on which the Pogson Hospital is presently located to the people of Sandy Point to be used as an emergency care center. This decision was made after Mr. Pogson heard the groans of a woman giving birth in a cane field.

In his last will and testament, he stated that preference must be given to the delivery of pregnant women at the facility. The Pogson Hospital, which is situated on the right of the Pogson Medical Centre, has a labour and a delivery room.

Deputy Prime Minister and Parliamentary Representative for St. Christopher Five, the Honourable Shawn K. Richards, commended the institution and those who have worked within its precincts over the 125 years.

“Indeed I commend and congratulate the Pogson Medical Centre for 125 years of giving life to and sustaining the lives of all whom it has served over the years. The impact of this facility in improving healthcare and by extension the health of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis is immeasurable. The institution must ensure that it continues to provide quality healthcare to all its patients thereby enriching their lives,” said Deputy Prime Minister Richards.

Additionally, Minister of State within the Ministry of Health, the Honourable Wendy Phipps, also congratulated the Pogson Hospital on the attainment of the milestone.

“There are very few institutions in Sandy Point with a longer history of service to the community than Pogson Hospital, which opened its doors 125 years ago. The only two other institutions with a longer existence are the Sandy Point Primary and Junior Schools, and the Orthodox churches of the Catholic, Methodist and Anglican faiths. Pogson Hospital, now a medical centre, continues to play a critical role in the delivery of quality health care to our people who reside on St. Kitts’ western corridor between Old Road and Saddlers. I congratulate the staff – both present and former – who have contributed their service in the interest of Pogson’s sustainability and longevity. Those who are no longer with us will be kept in blessed memory for their contribution to the institution’s development throughout the years,” Minister Phipps said.


Staff at Pogson Hospital

Staff at Pogson Hospital



Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Published 2 April, 2017
(l-R) Permanent Secretary Mr. Osmond Petty; Prime Minister Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris; Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Wallace

Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 02, 2017 (SKNIS): The St. Kitts and Nevis Defence Board met on Saturday April 1 to discuss important matters to the development and upkeep of the St. Kitts and Nevis Defence Force (SKNDF). The Board had not met for several years and has pledged to meet regularly. The Board had its first meeting under the Team Unity Administration on January 21, 2016.

The four member Defence Board comprises of Chairman, Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris; Attorney General, the Honourable Vincent Byron Jr; Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, who is by law secretary of the Board, Mr. Osmond Petty, and Commander of the SKNDF, Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Wallace.

Lieutenant Colonel Wallace said that some of the matters discussed at the board meeting included promotion, training, complaints and support to the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force.

According to Mr. Petty, other matters on the agenda that were discussed included personnel matters and the establishment of a Commission Board that will be responsible for making recommendation to the governor general regarding persons to be rewarded a commission. He also reported that twenty-six (26) recruits were recently accepted for training in the SKNDF.

Mr. Petty also mentioned that the 34rd Annual Tradewinds Regional Training Exercise will be hosted in St. Kitts in 2018, which will afford local security forces to benefit from training in areas such as disaster relief/emergency response; land and maritime threats, including illicit drug trafficking; marksmanship and weapons handling skills; and military support to law enforcement. He said that this is an opportunity for the security forces to build capacity and for security officers to build life-long friendships with service members from other countries.

Additionally, Mr. Petty said that plans are afoot to link the SKNDF to the Guyana Defence Force for greater collaboration in training and similar exercises.

The Defence Board is a requirement of the St. Christopher and Nevis Defence Force Act, Chapter 19.14 of the revised laws of St. Christopher and Nevis. The revised date of the Act is December 2009. The primary function of the Board is to provide support in the running of the SKNDF, which comprises the Infantry and the Coast Guard. The Board has oversight for all the activities of the SKNDF.

Tradewinds is a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-directed, U.S. Southern Command-Sponsored annual exercise conducted in cooperation with Caribbean Basin partner nations. Tradewinds supports the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI), as well as U.S. Southern Command’s theater security engagement goal of building partner nation capacity at the tactical and operational levels. The exercise is designed to conduct joint, combined and interagency training, which focuses on increasing regional cooperation for complex multinational security operations and humanitarian assistance and disaster response operations. The training is done in collaboration with the Allied Nations including the United Kingdom, Canada, France, the Netherlands and Suriname.


Local news, News, Politics

St.Kitts-Nevis Speaker and Clerk of the National Assembly Attends ACP Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels

Publish on April 2, 2017

Brussels, 23 March 2017/ ACP: Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Micheal Perkins and Clerk of the Assembly Ms Sonia Boddie represented St.Kitts-Nevis  at the 45th Session of the African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) Parliamentary Assembly and the Inter-sessional meetings of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA) held from the 21st to 24th March 2017 in Brussels, Belgium at the European Parliament.

The JPA is a key organ of the ACP-EU relationship, in which parliamentarians of both the 79 ACP states and the 28 EU states engage bi-annually to discuss issues of mutual concern that affect ACP-EU matters. Meetings of the JPA have grown increasingly more important as the expiration date of the ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement, which governs ACP-EU relations, approaches in 2020.


The ACP-EU partnership is responsible for mobilising significant EU development aid for Belize and for setting the terms for Belize’s trade with the EU, Belize’s second most important export market.


The meeting of CARIFORUM Parliamentarians and Ambassadors focused on the issues of priority importance to the Caribbean region in the evolving discussions on the future of the ACP-EU relations post-2020 in areas of development cooperation, trade and political dialogue.


International news, Local news, News, Regional News

OECS needs a unified approach to development, says economist #


The panel at the Grenada Forum

Published on March 30, 2017

ST GEORGE’S, Grenada — The biggest impediment to growth of the economies of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is their small size and scale of production, and the lack of a unified regional approach to development. That’s the view of Dr Vanus James, economist, statistician and regional academic in remarks at the OECS Economic Growth Forum in Grenada on Friday, March 17, 2017.

Citing tertiary education as one of the growth sectors with the greatest potential for growth, James singled-out Grenada (St Georges University) as well as Antigua, as leading in tertiary education in the OECS. He believes that model must now be replicated across the OECS, in other growth sectors such as the creative industries and the ICT sector, identifying skills gaps and helping to attract foreign investment through a regional approach.

The Grenada forum was the final in the public education forum series – Vini Koze – which engaged citizens of the OECS on key development issues such as education, climate change, agriculture, youth empowerment, and regional integration.

James, who has worked as a senior policy advisor to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), said with very slow growth in large economies such as the United States, Canada and Europe, which are major source markets for our tourism industry as well as buyers of our exports, the region is at a critical juncture in terms of its economic fortunes.

He said these developed countries and traditional allies, are all threatening to close their economies and reduce imports from the region, a factor he said can “negatively affect our ability to increase our exports, which is what we need as small countries, in order to raise our rate of growth.”

James suggested that “for the first time, countries of the Eastern Caribbean are at a juncture where they are confronted with the challenge of how to diversify their economies away from tourism, in the context of slow growth and falling imports in the North Atlantic.”

“At this moment in our history, we must create new types of exports by building our domestic capital sector. That’s the most historic challenge we’ve ever faced, from Slavery to now. How to do we create capital with our own capabilities. In that regard, we need new thinking about how to grow our economies.”

James feels very strongly that the region needs to return to the growth strategies used before globalisation.

He explained: “We import most of the assets we use to produce, but if you want to engage the world, you have to build domestic capability, to create demand in the world for the things we export. We must build-up our domestic capital sector. The fundamental problem we have in the Caribbean is that our domestic sector is too small. We’re not doing enough with the creative industries. We’re not doing enough with ICT as exports. And we’re not doing enough with tertiary education as an export. To engage with the changing world, we must change the type of exports we offer by building our domestic capital sector.”

James is adamant that in order to build the domestic capital sector, “we have to confront the historical inequalities in our societies, including the unequal access to power.” He asserted that the people who get access to power and who shape policy in the region, are a select few who have always had access to the levers of power, and who have not invested well in our domestic capabilities.

Consequently, he recommended major reform in governance in the OECS and the wider Caribbean. He called for participatory budgeting at the national level and joint policy-making, both of which would ensure more people involvement and people participation in governance.

Oliver Joseph, minister for economic development, said the government of Grenada is taking steps to ensure more citizen engagement in national budgeting.

He explained: “In the preparation of our National Budget in Grenada, we have consultations where we go throughout the island to get the views of farmers, the youth, and all stakeholders, to hear what they would like to see in the budget and what initiatives they would like the government to pursue at the community and national level.”

Grenada has just come to the end of a homegrown structural adjustment programme from which it received a passing grade from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), following a recent country assessment with significant reduction in its debt to GDP ratio from 60 percent to 40 percent.

Joseph contended: “The only reason we have been so successful is because we continue to listen to our social partners in shaping and implementing national policy. The success we have achieved is because of the participation and ‘buy-in’ we have had from the people.”

In relation to the issue of rising youth unemployment in OECS member states, Joseph said the era of government being the largest employer is coming to an end. He said the approach should be for government to give incentives to the private sector and seek to attract foreign direct investment to create jobs.

Joseph disclosed that in 2016, Grenada spent EC$30 million on training of young people through the Grenada Training Institute, where they attained CARICOM Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in various skilled areas. He said this training is designed to provide young people with the tools to create their own employment or to secure jobs in the specialized areas in which they are trained.

As it relates to diversifying Grenada’s economy, Joseph says the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has just completed a study of the non-tourism services sector which will guide government policy as it relates to the incentives and skills needed to grow these sectors.

President of the St Lucia Hotel & Tourism Association, Sanovnik Destang, believes there is scope to expand the contribution of tourism to the economies of the OECS.

He told the forum: “The tourism sector has seen tremendous growth in recent years. We had some rough years in 2008, 2009, and 2010, but we’ve seen steady growth since then. ”

Destang believes the time has come to broaden the contribution of tourism to GDP beyond arrival figures. He notes that visitor expenditure has a major trickle-down effect in the local economy, and there are millions of dollars to be gained from strengthening linkages between tourism and other sectors such as agriculture. On the home front, the SLHTA has teamed up with local farmers in setting-up a Virtual Agriculture Clearing House (VACH).

Destang said this initiative has seen a significant increase in the purchase and use of local produce by hotels in Saint Lucia. He says the system is so advanced, that an app has been developed to forecast the production cycles of farmers to match demand from the hotels.

The public education forum series is part of the public education component of the Economic Integration and Trade Programme of the OECS region, funded by the 10th European Development Fund. It is being produced by ElShaFord Productions on behalf of the OECS Commission. The series will be edited for broadcast across all OECS member states, the wider Caribbean, and the West Indian diaspora in the UK, the USA, and Canada.