Local news, News

Youth Population Strongly Supports St. Kitts And Nevis’ Federal Youth Policy

Published 29 March 2017

Press Release

Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 28, 2017 (SKNIS):  The idea of having a Federal Youth Policy received accolades from a number of persons from the youth population, as they have thrown their support behind the document, noting that it is of paramount importance, especially to young people.

Speaking at the final public consultation on the Federal Youth Policy at the St. Kitts Marriott Resort on Tuesday, March 28, Azard Gumbs, President of the St. Kitts National Youth Parliament Association (SKNYPA), said that his organization “strongly believes and supports the involvement of young people in nation building”.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Premier of Nevis issues statement on the death of Randell Chapman of Rawlins Village

Published 29 March 2017

Press Release

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 28, 2017) — The following is a statement by Hon. Vance Amory, Premier of Nevis, Minister responsible for Security and Area Representative for the St. Georges Parish, on the death of Randell Chapman of Rawlins Village in the Parish of St Georges

Over the weekend, we were shocked by the news of the brutal shooting/killing of one of our young men from the Rawlins area. I have expressed to the family my condolences but speaking as the representative of the area and the Minister responsible for Security in Nevis, it is painful that we are still experiencing this wanton slaying and loss of life.


Business, Health, Local news, News

Legal Aid Clinic – Thursday, 30th March, 2017

Published 29 March 2017

Community Notice

The St. Kitts-Nevis Legal Aid and Advice Centre will be holding a Legal Aid Clinic at the Cayon Community Centre on Thursday 30th March, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm.

Persons of minimum wage and/or the elderly needing advice, assistance or representation in legal matters are invited to access the service which will be provided.


Local Sports, News, Sports

The Dr. William Connor Primary School is the 2017 RAMS Primary School Champions

Published 29 March 2017

By: EMU, Press Release

(EMU) – St. Kitts, March, 28, 2017: Congratulations are in order for the Dr. William Connor Primary: not only are they the 2017 RAMS Primary School Champions, but the first school to win by the largest victory margin to date.


The proud athletes and teachers of the school convincingly retained the Championship for the second consecutive year, this past weekend, March 25th & 26th at the Kim Collins Athletic Stadium.  Parents, students, fans and well-wishers were all in attendance to bear witness to the various track and field events, in which Dr. William Connor accrued an impressive 17 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze medals. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Hon. Shawn Richards, awarded the championship trophy and commended their performance during the competition.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Police Press Release 27-03-2017: Report of arrests, convictions and other activities

Published 29 March 2017

By: (RSCNPF), Press Release

Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 27 2017 (RSCNPF): Below is a report of Arrests, Convictions and other activities recorded by the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force for the period March 20 – 26, 2017.



Arrested: Evron Williams of Farm Site, Sandy Point was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offences of possession of cannabis and possession of cannabis with intent to supply.