Published 4 April 2019
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
National Intervention/Community Policing Team Headed by Inspector Rosemary Isles
Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 04, 2019 (RSCNPF): Protecting children will be the focus of a community meeting being organised by the Ministry of National Security’s National Intervention/Community Policing Team.
The meeting will be held today, April 04, and commences at 5 p.m. at the NEMA Headquarters. Residents of the Village and surrounding communities are being encouraged to attend the meeting to discuss how children and teenagers in these areas can be protected from crime and violence, such as becoming involved in gangs. Protecting the federation’s youth is paramount to their well-being and ensuring a safe St. Kitts and Nevis.
Project Coordinator for the Team, Officer Lauston Percival, explained that this is the first of several community meetings at which they expect to get vital feedback from the participants. This information will help the team improve their efforts in engaging the people of the communities in which they operate.
“Our expectation is to sell the force to more persons and also see what persons have to say. We want to know what they would like to see the police doing in the community. This is also to sell the explorers group to the public in the different communities that we will go to,” said Officer Percival.
The community policing team, along with other panel members, will discuss with residents how to immediately reduce and, hopefully in time, totally remove the gang influence from communities.