Crime/Justice, News

The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force

Published 17 April 2017


Basseterre, St. Kitts, April13, 2017, (RSCNPF): Below is a report of Arrests, Convictions and other activities recorded by the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force for the period April 11-12, 2017.

Arrested: Lennon Caines of Old Road was arrested, formally charged and cautioned on four warrants in the first instance for the offence of obtaining money by false pretences. The offences were committed between 19th December 2016 and 15th March 2017 where $17,000 XCD was obtained from the Government of the Federation under false pretences.

Abandoned Properties Search: Police continues to execute searches of abandoned properties; most recent searches were done in the following area: Bird Rock and Herbert Street (Newtown). The Searches were executed for illegal firearms and ammunition, illegal drugs, and instruments that can be used in criminal activity.

Marijuana Plants Uprooted: A petrol of officers reported that they discovered, uprooted and seized, one hundred and sixty six (166) marijuana plants ranging from one foot to three feet in height from the ghaut area at lower Monkey Hill.

Building Breaking and Larceny: Police responded to a report of a building breaking and larceny at at Miss Harvey’s Shop located at Central Street, Basseterre. The V/C reported that she secured the business on April 10, at about 7.45pm. Upon return on April 11 at about 6.50am, it was discovered that the building was broken into and a number of items were missing. The scene was processed investigations are on-going.

Traffic Accidents: The Police is investigating three (3) traffic accidents that occurred during the period of this report.

Citizen Safety: Police continue to conduct Vehicle Check Points, and Stop and Searches along the island main road on St. Kitts and Nevis. Officers continue to conduct searches of abandoned properties and lots. The execution of search warrants continue as well. These activities are being conducted in support of anti-crime objectives to remove illegal firearms and ammunition, illegal drugs and other instruments that can be used to commit crimes from our communities.


Crime/Justice, News

The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force

Published 17 April 2017


The following is the traffic arrangements for the funeral procession of the late Sir Cuthbert Sebastian on Monday 10th April 2017:

1. The body will leave Liamigua Funeral Home to Government House through JNF Hospital compound, at 07:57.

2. Procession will exit the eastern gate and proceed down to Cayon Street on Virgil Newton Street.

3. At 1:10 pm the procession will leave Government House to the St. Georges Anglican Church, via the following route: i. Cayon Street ii. Church Street iii. Left on Central Street iv. Up Fort Street v. Left on Cayon Street, pausing temporarily at the former residence.

4. No parking will be permitted on Cayon Street between Fort Street and College St. from 6:00am on April 10th. This area will be reserved for funeral use only.

5. Traffic will flow westwards only along Springfield road during the time the body is lying in state at Government House. (8:00 am – 1:30 pm).

6. The portion of Cayon St. between Fort St. and College St will be closed to vehicular traffic from 1:00 pm. As the portion of Virgil Newton Street south of the Hospital’s exit is one way, vehicular traffic entering Virgil Newton Street from Cayon Street will be temporarily restricted half an hour before the arrival of the procession. Similarly, the portion of Central Street between Fort Street and Church Street is one way, therefore that portion will also be closed half an hour before the arrival of the procession, to facilitate smooth passage.

The cooperation of the motoring public is solicited.



Crime/Justice, News

The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force

Published 17 April 2017


Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 09, 2017, (RSCNPF): Below is a report of Arrests, Convictions and other activities recorded by the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force for the period April 6 – 8, 2017.

Arrested: Dexter Huggins of Buckley’s Estate was arrested, formally charged and cautioned on a warrant in the first instance for the offence of Larceny. The offence was committed between 22nd February 2017 and 13th March 2017 at Cardin Avenue Basseterre. He was also arrested and charged for the offence of Malicious Damage. The offence was committed between 13th March 2017 and 17th March 2017 at Cardin Avenue Basseterre.

Arrested; Calvert Thomas of Farms Housing Project was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence of Larceny committed on April 06, 2017 in Sandy Point .

Arrested: Carson Greenaway of Ponds Extension was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offences of possession of cannabis and possession of cannabis with intent to supply. The incident occurred on April 07.

Arrested/Bailed: Tajal Heyligar of Upper Shaw Avenue was arrested, formally charged and cautioned on a warrant in the first instance for the offence of wounding. Offence committed on March 23, 2017 at Five Ways, Basseterre. He was granted bail in the sum of $10,000 for his appearance at the Basseterre Magistrate Court on Monday, 3rd July, 2017.

Arrested/Bailed: Melissa Ocariz of Frigate Bay was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence of Driving Motor Jeep without Insurance. She was granted bail in the sum of $5000 for her appearance at the Basseterre Magistrate Court on Thursday, 13th April, 2017.

Bailed: Kelvin Henderson of Challengers who was charged with the offence battery was granted bail in the sum of$10,000.00 EC for his appearance at the Basseterre magistrate court on Thursday the 6th day of April 2017..

In matter at the Basseterre Magistrate Court presided over by His Honour Sir Benjamin in the following cases were heard and disposed of:
-Juan Morica Draz Cabanillas, Frigate Bay pleaded guilty to driving without a valid licence and was ordered to pay $200.00 in 14 days or if in default serve one(1) month in prison. He also pleaded guilty to driving when he was not covered by Insurance and was ordered to pay $750.00 in to be paid 14 days or if in default serve (1) month in prison.

-Joseph O ‘Flaharty of Shadwell Gardens pleaded guilty to driving when he was not covered by Insurance on 9th December 2016 and was ordered to pay $750.00 in to be paid in (1) month or if in default serve (2) months in prison.

-Jason Brafier of Bird Rock pleaded guilty of careless driving on 5th November 2016 and was cautioned
-Bernard Sergeari of New Road pleaded guilty to careless driving which occurred on 5th January 2017 and was ordered to pay $350.00 in 7 days or if in default serve (14) days in prison.
-Jermaine Browne of Frigate Bay pleaded guilty to careless driving and was ordered to pay $1500.00 in 14 days and if in default serve (6) months in prison.

-Leaney Chichester, of Ponds Pasture pleaded guilty to driving when he was not covered by Insurance and was ordered to pay $1000.00 in 1 month, he was also disqualified from holding or obtaining a drivers licence for a period of six months.

In matters at the District “B” Magistrate Court (Dieppe Bay) presided over by Her Honour Mrs Karen Hector the following is reported:
– Evans Reynaldo Daniel of Parsons Village who was charged with the Offence of Escaping Lawful Custody Committed on 01 August 2016, at Dieppe Bay was convicted and sentenced to three (3) Months in Prison, his sentence was reduced by time spent on remand.

– Stanley Ward of Saddlers Village who was charged with the offence of Larceny From A Dwelling House committed on October 21, 2016 at Saddlers was granted bail in the sum of $10,000.00 for his appearance at the District “B” Magistrate Court on Monday 12th June 2017.

– Emile Hunkins of Cayon who was charged with the offence of Escaping Lawful Custody committed on at Tabernacle was granted bail in the sum of $10,000.00 for his appearance at the District “B” Magistrate Court on Monday 12th June 2017.

Burglary: Police responded to a report of a Burglary which occurred on Fort Thomas Road. Inquiries revealed that the home of the V/C was broken into and a number of personal papers were taken and an amount of cash. The Scene was processed by the Crime Scene Unit. Investigation into this report is to be continued.

Robbery: Police responded to a report of a robbery at the Cage Newton Ground. Inquiries revealed that was robbed by an unknown assailant at about 10.45pm on Friday April 07. A sum of money was taken. Investigation is ongoing.

Armed Robbery: Police responded to a report of an Armed Robbery that occurred about 1.30pm on Saturday, April 8 in Boyd’s mountain. The V/C reported stated that he was beaten and attacked by two (2) masked gun men with shirts covering their faces and who robbed him of a sum of monies, (1) Samsung Galaxy cell phone. He received a gunshot injury during the incident. He currently warded in stable condition at the JNF Hospital. The investigation continues.

House Breaking and Larceny: Police responded to a report of House Breaking and Larceny at an apartment located at Shadwell housing. Police inquiries revealed that some unknown person(s) used a hard flat object to force open the deadbolt and cylindrical locks of an Eastern wooden front door to gain entry into the apartment. The Scene was processed by the Crime Scene Unit.

Traffic Accidents: There were number of traffic accidents on the federation’s roadways in St. Kitts during the period of this report. Drivers are reminded to exercise due care while driving.

Police is investigating a fatal traffic accident which occurred on the Frigate Bay Road. Initial investigations reveal that motor bus P8282 was travelling from Basseterre towards Frigate Bay and struck a pedestrian walking towards Basseterre on the Half Moon Bay side of the road. The pedestrian succumbed to the injuries of the impact at the scene. The investigation continues.

Citizen Safety: Police continue to conduct Vehicle Check Points, and Stop and Searches along the island main road on St. Kitts and Nevis. Officers continue to conduct searches of abandoned properties and lots. The execution of search warrants continue as well. These activities are being conducted in support of anti-crime objectives to remove illegal firearms and ammunition, illegal drugs and other instruments that can be used to commit crimes from our communities.


Crime/Justice, News

The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force

Published 17 April 2017


Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 11, 2017, (RSCNPF): Below is a report of Arrests, Convictions and other activities recorded by the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force for the period April 9-10, 2017.

Arrested/Bailed: Chester Joseph of Half Moon Bay was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence of Driving under the influence committed on 10th April 2017. He was granted bail sum of $5000.00 ECD for his appearance at Basseterre Magistrate Court on April 13.

Arrested/Bailed: Darille Warner of Middle Island was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence of Possession of Cannabis and Possession of Cannabis With Intent to Supply. He was granted bail in the sum of $10,000, for his appearance in court.

Bailed: Euklyn Daniel of Sandy Point who was arrested and charged for the offences of possession of cannabis and possession of cannabis with intent to supply committed on April 08 was granted bail in the sum of $5000.00 for his appearance at the Basseterre Magistrate Court.

Bailed: Calvery Thomas of Farms Housing who was arrested and charged for the offence of Larceny was granted bail in the sum of $5,000.00 for his appearance at the Dieppe Bay Magistrate Court on May 08.

Search Warrants Executed: Police executed a Search Warrant on a premises in Farms Housing. The warrant was executed in search of illegal firearms, ammunition, and items used in criminal enterprise.

Citizen Safety: Police continue to conduct Vehicle Check Points, and Stop and Searches along the island main road on St. Kitts and Nevis. Officers continue to conduct searches of abandoned properties and lots. The execution of search warrants continue as well. These activities are being conducted in support of anti-crime objectives to remove illegal firearms and ammunition, illegal drugs and other instruments that can be used to commit crimes from our communities.


Crime/Justice, News

The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force

Published 17 April 2017


Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 13, 2017 (RSCNPF): A controlled burn by the Anti Drug Unit/Special Services Unit on Wednesday (April 12) resulted in the destruction of a large quantity of marijuana.

The burn at a secured location saw the destruction of over 8,000 marijuana plants seized during Operations and Patrols over the last months.

On the fire being fed by discarded pallets and a few automobile tires were the plants of varying sizes and marijuana packaged for sale.

“This is our second burn for the year, the last one we did just over 2000 plants,” said, Inspector(Ag) Reynold Myers as he monitored the raging fire being tended by officers of the SSU. He added, “we will continue to search, and when we find, we will uproot, seize and burn”. It is our goal, to rid our communities illegal drugs and instruments that can be used to commit crimes.”

Inspector Myers also took time to note that the Police ongoing Counter Drug activities are supported by the St. Kitts Nevis Defence Force and Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise Department.