Local news, News


http://sknis.kn/pm-harris-honours-contribution-and-memory-of-the-late-governor-general-sir-cuthbert-sebastian/ #

Published 10 April 2017

Sir Cuthbert lying in state

Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 10, 2017 (SKNIS): The Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, honoured the contribution and memory of His Excellency Sir Cuthbert Montraville Sebastian, late Governor General, while his body laid in state at Government House today, Monday, April 10, 2017.

“In his long life, he, as it were, served the people in many areas of life and he did so exceptionally well, as a teacher, medical doctor, a man of the military, politician and then in the latter part of his life of public service [he] served best as the longest serving Governor General of St. Kitts and Nevis [1996-2013],” said Prime Minister Harris. “In that regard, he revolutionized the Office of the Governor General and improved upon the accessibility of Government House and the Governor General to the people of St. Kitts and Nevis. He set, clearly, a historic level of engagement for the Office of the Governor General.

Prime Minister Harris reflected on Sir Cuthbert’s unfailing presence at events, noting that there was never a time when he was missing, especially at sport and speech days, awards and presentations, the traditional and ceremonial activities on Independence Day, at the memorial service on Remembrance Day.

“Everywhere, Sir Cuthbert was present and ensured that the office provided patronage and presence at many functions. I believe this is one area in which he redefined the role of the Governor General, [as the office was] hitherto somewhat excluded from the people of St. Kitts and Nevis, excluded to the extent that it was available in a limited way [due to] long-established tradition,” said Dr. Harris. “Indeed, the record of one Governor’s memoir would show that in the early 20th century, this Government House was not accessible to more than about 250 persons for any event. By the time that Sir Cuthbert had taken over, our Independence celebrations, for example, would have hosted thousands of persons on the compound of Government House, and that was the nature of the man.”

Still reflecting on the contribution and memory of Sir Cuthbert Sebastian, Dr. Harris further stated that, “He was a man for all seasons, for all people in St. Kitts and Nevis.” Prime Minister Harris also noted that by the way in which he revolutionized the Office of the Governor General, he ensured that the people of St. Kitts and Nevis felt a sense of attachment to the office. Dr Harris added that His Excellency also understood that the office was there to serve persons and sever them well.

Prime Minister Harris added that his contribution to St. Kitts and Nevis and its history means a lot. He said his life of service is clearly one that the citizens and residents of St. Kitts and Nevis should emulate, as his life was one marked by industry, dedication and commitment.

His Excellency Sir Cuthbert Montraville Sebastian, will be laid to rest today, Monday, April 10, 2017, at the Springfield Cemetery, following a State Funeral with full Military Honours at the St. George’s Anglican Church in Basseterre, St. Kitts. Sir Cuthbert was 95 years of age at the time of his passing on March 25, 2017.


International news, News, Politics

Neil Gorsuch Has Been Sworn In As Your 113th Supreme Court Justice

http://theslot.jezebel.com/neil-gorsuch-has-been-sworn-in-as-your-113th-supreme-co-1794191743 #

Published 10 April 2017

Welcome to Barf Bag, a daily politics roundup to help you sort through the chaotic Trumpian news cycle.


O happy day.


Here’s all the shit we couldn’t cover today:


Neil Gorsuch, speculated to become the most far-right member of the court, was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice today; Donald Trump made sure to thank Mitch McConnell, who essentially stole the seat, “for all that he did to make this achievement possible.” Haha! Trump also did that yank-y handshake thing again, and I’m kind of surprised no one’s shoulder has been dislocated at this point? [Washington Post]

Alabama governor Robert Bentley has been booked in jail, reportedly on charges of violating campaign finance rules. Bentley is expected to resign today amid allegations that he abused the powers of his office in order to cover up an affair, and really, the whole story is nuts—among other things, according to a lengthy House Judiciary report, Bentley sent (weird) texts to married aide Rebekah Caldwell that were linked up to his wife’s iPad, and also accidentally sent a text to his wife’s phone that read “I love you Rebekah.” A staffer who testified against him alleged that he threatened her on several occasions, and in 2016 found the words “die bitch” scratched into her car. [Washington Post, Talking Points Memo]

Mike Cox, an EPA staffer of 25 years, has quit the agency with a harsh letter to administrator Scott Pruitt. “The policies this Administration is advancing are contrary to what the majority of the American people, who pay our salaries, want EPA to accomplish,” he wrote, “which are to ensure the air their children breath is safe; the land they live, play, and hunt on to be free of toxic chemicals; and the water they drink, the lakes they swim in, and the rivers they fish in to be clean.” [Washington Post]

Relatedly, the president appears to have mended fences with the Kochs. Aw. [Politico]

A FOIA lawsuit has been filed demanding that the Trump administration release visitor log files from the White House and other Trump properties. [Politico]

Martin O’Malley is pretty sure he would have won if he’d been the Democratic nominee, you guys. [Huffington Post]


Education, Local news, News

The Verchilds High School Scout Group just return from Nevis.

Published 10 April 2017

The Verchilds High School Scout Group just return from Nevis. The group held its Easter Camp at the Cotton Ground Community Centre with 42 boys in attendace. Troop Leader Petros Peets of form 3v1 said that the camp was great and the campers learnt a lot from the sessions. The boys took part in preparing meals, indoor and outdoor games, devotions. The highlight of the camp is a session which was conducted by Pastor Shorn Edwards, the Senior Office on the Prison Farm in Nevis. Pastor Shorn spoke to the campers about good behavior and the consequence of bad behavior. He also spoke to them about the workings of the Prison and why it is so important that none of the campers should get into prison. The campers enjoyed the Tour of the Four Seasons Hotel. The campers could not believe that the Four Seasons Hotel were that big and beautiful. Thanks to the staff who took so good care of us during the tour.


International news, News

What Exactly Is Going On With Janet Jackson’s Divorce?

http://jezebel.com/what-exactly-is-going-on-with-janet-jacksons-divorce-1794186901 #

Published 10 April 2017

Janet Jackson is ending her third marriage with husband Wissam Al Mana after five years. Ordinarily, news of this kind would be met with a tepid shrug because now that Brangelina is over, nothing can surprise me. However, the story is growing some peculiar legs due to some probably false and typically misogynistic rumors about the timing of the divorce announcement and a supposed payout.

Al Mana is extremely rich—billionaire rich. Janet Jackson, with a reported net worth of around $175 million, is, by most standards, also extremely rich. When two extremely rich people enter into a marriage they tend to sign prenups, which most assume Jackson and Al Mana did.

As TMZ notes, many prenups include specific payouts to one of the partners tied to the length of the marriage. With the announcement coming just months after their fifth anniversary, some are speculating that Janet specifically held off filing for divorce until after the five year mark in order to receive a settlement. (It wouldn’t be the first time a celebrity divorce is rumored to line up with this kind of timeline.) The number that has been pulled seemingly out of thin air is a $500 million payout, which seems extremely high and, again, probably came from some bored meme-creator on Twitter.

I find a couple things about this confusing. First, even for a billionaire, $500 million seems wildly excessive for just five years of marriage. I suppose you could argue that the addition of a child—Janet gave birth to their son on January 3 of this year—would sweeten the pot, but even then that number doesn’t make a great deal of sense.

Secondly, Janet is wealthy in her own right and has the potential to make even more money if she feels like it. It seems odd and unnecessary that she’d get married and go through an extremely high-risk pregnancy just for some cash.

I heard one theory that she got pregnant when she did to coincide with the marriage’s five-year mark so she could distract her husband before dropping the divorce bomb. Which, sure, is possible, I suppose, but that’s a lot of goddamn coordination when she could have arrived at a similar outcome in about 18 different ways.

Of course, it could just be that two consenting adults decided they didn’t want to be in this relationship anymore and money or potential monies played no factor whatsoever. The NY Daily News reports the coupled faced issues coming from “entirely different backgrounds,” but will continue to raise their son together.



Business, Economics, News

St Kitts-Nevis government to introduce campaign finance law

http://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/topstory-St-Kitts-Nevis-government-to-introduce-campaign-finance-law-34036.html #

Published 7 April, 2017

By Ken Richards

BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) — Campaign financing is part of the St Kitts and Nevis government’s good governance legislative agenda, Prime Minister Timothy Harris confirmed on Wednesday at a press conference.

The prime minister was responding to a question about how much of a priority for the administration that issue is.

“Campaign financing that is part of good governance and that is a matter that is there, when that particular program is put to the public then the public will be advised of it. You brought in too, the mischief being propagated by persons who are no longer with the PLP in large measure because of that mischief.”

Harris was referring to a question from WINN FM about allegations from three former executive members of Harris’s Peoples Labour Party (PLP), allegations of unaccounted for campaign funds.

The prime minister told reporters that legal action had already been initiated on that matter.

Citing an apology he had received from one media house on the issue, Harris suggested that others could find themselves before the court on the unaccounted for campaign funds allegations.

“I would therefore caution those who want to propagate those mischief, that they will answer to the court. I myself, is not going to get into any to or fro but it is discouraging when media houses attempt to take hearsay without a scintilla of evidence from disaffected persons and attempt to propagate it as if there is some truth in it. Not one scintilla of evidence and that has been reported not just by myself, but by senior members of the party.

“In fact all you have from those stories are some hearsay. Not one credible bit of evidence has been put in the public domain, so why are we talking about this hearsay and propaganda that people are attempting to put on social media for others to follow. I have taken legal action because ultimately that is where the matter will resolve itself,” Harris said.

Former PLP deputy leader Sam Condor, chairman Douglas Wattley and secretary Clecton Phillip have been calling for an inquiry into the alleged unaccounted for campaign funds.

The three are no longer executive members of the PLP, after a new executive was voted in at the party’s recent convention.

They continue to maintain however, that there is need for an inquiry into the matter.

WINN FM’s follow-up question pointing this out didn’t find favour with Harris.

“Yes but if it is a question to do with the PLP, please that is a matter already before lawyers and I will not entertain any questions to do with that matter,” he said.

WINN FM wished to follow up on a statement that the prime minister made by pointing out that the allegations were not coming from persons on the street but from three persons who were executive members.

“For the record I am not entertaining that discussion at an appropriate forum of the PLP you could perhaps put that to the PLP. I am dealing here as the prime minister with matters relevant to the government and the accusation of members, whoever they are, of the PLP have no bearing on the functioning of this government and they are not matters that I raised or matters that I figure a press conference of the government should be diverted to,” the prime minister replied.

Republished with permission of West Indies News Network