Local news, News



On Friday evening in Taylors Village an incident accrued where it was revealed that Mr. Ashton Christopher was stabbed to the right side of his chest near a shop in Taylors Village. This has brought the Federation to record its third murder for 2017. when an individual was stabbed.

Police have confirmed the identity of the individual and disclosed that the 54-year-old Christopher received one stab wound to the chest and died on route to the Joseph N. France General Hospital.

The incident occurred sometime after 8.00pm and one person is already in custody.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Decomposed body discovered 8 months ago identified as ‘Markie’


Decomposed body discovered 8 months ago identified as ‘Markie


BASSETERRE, St. Kitts – APPROXIMATELY eight months after human remains were discovered in the Newton Ground mountain area (Fahie’s mountain), the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force has been able to identify the missing body.

On July 29, 2016, a Police-issued press release indicated that a lifeless body was discovered in the Fahie’s Mountain area.


Local news, News

Traffic accident

Buckie Got It….traffic accident Between keys and cayon Involved a car and a bus




Buckie Got It….response “I wasn’t going to answer, but… Buckie who was that completely ignorant fool earlier. You are free to be partisan and show your little bias, but good Lord you don’t have to be full blown ignorant to the point of being mentally retarded. The sheer ingratitude and misinformation of that person for the hard work done by the previous administration speaks volumes about the literacy rate. The Labour administration were the ones who grew and developed the tourism product on St Kitts to what it is now, especially cruise tourism. Cruise arrivals in St Kitts grew from 247,393 in 2007 to over one million at the end of the 2015 cruise year, which, must be added, was fully planned and put in place by the former administration before leaving office. An increase by over FOUR HUNDRED PERCENT.


Experts caution against soursop fruit to fight cancer


May 30, 2013


Soursop fruit, with its sweet flesh and distinctive flavor, is grown commercially to make juice, candy, sorbet and ice cream.

It’s also is purported to have medicinal qualities, with claims across the Internet that soursop extract can slow the spread of cancer or make traditional cancer therapies work better.

Experts warn against using the fruit to treat cancer. While research suggests soursop can fight cancer, it has not been studied in humans. As a result, there is no evidence of its safety or efficacy.