Ferry Schedule

Ferry Schedule

Nevis to St. Kitts

07:00 AM Mark Twain
07:00 AM Sea Bridge
08:00 AM Caribe Surf/Caribe Breeze
08:30 AM Sea Hustler
09:00 AM Sea Bridge
09:30 AM Mark Twain
10:30 AM Caribe Surf/Caribe Breeze
11:00 AM Sea Bridge
12:00 PM Mark Twain
01:00 PM Caribe Surf/Caribe Breeze
01:00 PM Sea Bridge
03:00 PM Sea Bridge
04:00 PM Mark Twain
04:30 PM Sea Hustler
05:00 PM Caribe Surf/Caribe Breeze
06:00 PM Sea Bridge

St. Kitts to Nevis

06:30 AM Sea Hustler
07:00 AM Caribe Surf/Caribe Breeze
08:00 AM Mark Twain
08:00 AM Sea Bridge
09:30 AM Caribe Surf/Caribe Breeze
10:00 AM Sea Bridge
10:30 AM Mark Twain
12:00 PM Caribe Surf/Caribe Breeze
12:00 PM Sea Bridge
01:00 PM Mark Twain
02:00 PM Sea Bridge
03:00 PM Sea Hustler
04:00 PM Caribe Surf/Caribe Breeze
07:00 PM Sea Bridge
06:00 PM Mark Twain
07:00 PM Sea Bridge


Business, Local news, News

St. Kitts And Nevis Holds National Consultation On The Basel Conventio

Published March 28, 2017

Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 27, 2017 (SKNIS): Approximately twenty persons representing various governmental and non-governmental stakeholder agencies assembled at the Ocean Terrace Inn (OTI) to participate in a one-day national consultation workshop on the Basel Convention and facilitation of the entry into force of the Ban Amendment.

Alistair Edwards (left), alongside the facilitator,
Tatiana Terekhova

The workshop was organized by the Department of Environment in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Convention (BRSC) of the United Nation’s Environment Programme. It focused on raising awareness of the Basel Convention and the Ban Amendment and other related international agreements and arrangements (Stockholm, Rotterdam and Minimata Conventions); providing assistance to St. Kitts and Nevis to ratify the Ban Amendment and in implementing the Basel Convention; encouraging exchange of information and experiences and; supporting the development of recommendations for implementation of the Conventions

Alistair Edwards, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment et.al, underscored the significant importance of the workshop and in particular, the BRS Conventions.



Thought of the day

Published March 28, 2017

Buckie Got It….Good morning my dear friends and family I hope that we all had a good night’s rest.

The thought for today reminds us that “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”

When we know our Purpose for living it makes life much easier to live.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Cross-Dressing Youth Held For Fatal Stabbing Of Teen Brother

According to Police, they are investigating a stabbing incident at a residence in Janet Alley, McKnight which occurred around 10pm.


Health, News, Regional News

Corned Beef Ban in Caribbean Amid Rotten Meat Scandal

Published 27 March 2017

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Wednesday March 21, 2017 – Several Caribbean countries have ordered the immediate ban on the sale and importation of corned beef from Brazil, following reports that several major meat processors in the South American nation have been selling rotten beef and poultry.

Several countries have gone as far as banning all meat and meat products from Brazil, where it is alleged that companies involved in the illegal practice paid hefty bribes to auditors in exchange for fraudulent sanitary licences.

The European Union, China and Chile decided to halt some meat imports from the South American country, and Jamaica was the first Caribbean country to follow suit, with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries saying the companies implicated by the Brazilian authorities in the scandal supply 99.5 per cent of the corned beef on the local market.