Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Prime Minister Harris Calls For Fresh Start At Her Majesty Prison Service

Published 2 May 2017

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, May 2, 2017 (PLP PR Media Inc.) — Prime Minister of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr the Hon Timothy Harris, on Sunday April 30 paid homage to Her Majesty Prison officers and visiting Justices of Peace of HM Prisons, at an awards service held in their honour at the Immanuel Methodist Church in Sandy Point.
Dr Harris, who is also the Minister of National Security, said his government appreciated prison officers’ work and the country should do likewise because they add value to what is happening in the country’s prisons.
Turning to the visiting Justices of Peace of HM Prisons, Prime Minister Harris said they bring an external view to ensure that justice is not only being done but through the eyes of the general public it is seen to be done.
“I want to join the Superintendent of Prisons, Mr Junie Hodge, in offering congratulations and commendations to all who are serving in Her Majesty Prison Service,” said the Prime Minister. “The police bring them (offenders) to justice and he is expected to provide them protection and rehabilitation under the watch of Her Majesty’s Prison.”


Health, Local news, News

Min. Of Health Announces Call For MUA/NIA 2017-2018 Scholarships

Published 2 May 2017

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (May 02, 2017) — The following is an announcement from the Ministry of Health regarding call for Medical University of the Americas (MUA)/ Nevis Island Administration (NIA) 2017-2018 scholarships.

The MUA and the NIA announces a Call for Scholarships for the period 2017-2018.

Two MUA/NIA Scholarships will be awarded towards the pursuit of undergraduate studies which lead to a degree at an accredited higher learning institution.

Preference will be given to qualifying schools within the Caribbean region including the University of the West Indies and the University of Technology.

Applicants interested in pursuing Medicine at The Medical University of the Americas are also eligible for this scholarship.


News, Regional News

Alert level raised with increased activity at Kick ‘em Jenny* #

Published 30 April 2017

*Alert level raised with increased activity at Kick ‘em Jenny* _30-Apr-2017_

ST GEORGE’S – The National Disaster Management Agency is monitoring an increase in activities taking place at *Kick ‘em Jenny*, the region’s only submarine volcano located between Grenada and the Grenadine island of Carriacou.

In a release early Sunday, the disaster agency said it has been advised of the increase in activity by the Seismic Research Centre (SRC) of the University of the West Indies (UWI). “The UWI/SRC recorded a high amplitude signal, lasting about 25 seconds, on one of the Grenada stations.  The signal was also recorded on a station in Montserrat.  This signal follows an increase in the number of background events associated with the *Kick-‘em-Jenny volcano*,” said the release which confirmed that persons in the St Patrick’s area have reported feeling tremors.” As a result, the alert level is now on yellow and sea users and ships have been warned to stay away from vicinity of the submarine volcano.

In light of the ongoing we are advising all sea users that the 5km (3.1 miles) exclusion zone of *Kick ‘em Jenny* be strictly observed. The SRC has advised that heightened alert is necessary for the exclusion zone,” the release added. A yellow alert means the volcano is restless; seismicity and/or fumarolic activity are above the historical level or other unusual activity has been observed or can be expected without warning. *(CMC)*
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Crime/Justice, Local news, News, Regional News


Published 28 April 2017

The Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has confirmed a St.Kitts National is being sort after escaping prison while on remand in Virgin Gorda today, April 28, 2017.

VI Police have identified the prisoner as Olanzo Dore, 31. Dore is from Cayon , St.Kitts but recently resided in the VI.


Local news, News

SKN Prime Minister Dr. the Hon Timothy Harris addressing the Regional Workshop

Published 25 April 2017


HAPPENING NOW !!! SKN Prime Minister Dr. the Hon Timothy Harris addressing the Regional Workshop on Preserving your Memories in a digital World at UWI Open Campus, St Kitts