Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Premier Amory: Nevis Will Not Revert To Previous Crime Levels

Published: 5 April 2017

St. Kitts and Nevis (WINN); Nevis Premier Vance Amory has made a bold statement in the face of a recent rash of homicides in the federation- he says in 2017, the Nevis public will not see the levels of crime experienced in the recent past.

“I want to give the assurance that we will not return to the levels of criminal activity that we had in 2016, 2015 and any time before; not this year.”

On the heels of one of the most brazen homicides in Nevis in recent times, where a young man was gunned down on a cricket field in the middle of a Sunday afternoon match, Premier Amory says he was shocked at the incident, since he thought that with the investment in national security both at the island and federal level, police would have had better control of the crime situation.

“I was hoping, well more than hoping, expecting, that with the kind of efforts and resources which the federal government and Nevis Island Government have put into crime fighting, the police force, the equipment we’ve given, transportation, and the kind of training to which the police have been exposed and the kind of direction they have been given to engage in seeking to get into the communities, talk to the young men and women, talk to the people who may be known to have committed crime or who may be suspected or alleged criminals to bring them under control. It is a painful thing.”

The Premier said all Nevisians need to safeguard the island’s image of a safe and peaceful place, as much is riding on that positive view of Nevis being an ideal place to live and do business.

“Nevis is a peaceful place, a place people love to come to. When I speak to people who are visitors- and just last week we had engagement with persons who had come in for official business and they say we love Nevis. Nevis is a place that the atmosphere, the environment is one which is so welcoming, and we need to use that. We have to continue as a people to fight it, to confront it and we have to continue to pray, because somewhere it seems as if the forces of evil have infiltrated the minds of some of our people and it has to be a total community effort, total national effort.”

“If we are not to keep that peace and security and safety, we could lose so much.”


Local news, News

Union Gen Sec: Employees Should Not Complain About Working Conditions If They Haven’t Joined A Union

Published: 5 April 2017

St Kitts and Nevis (WINN): Workers who have not joined the St. Kitts and Nevis Trades and Labour Union or have not formed their own union should not complain about how they are treated by employers.

So says the General Secretary of the St. Kitts and Nevis Trades and Labour Union, Batumba Tak.

“Did you ask them if they joined the union? Because they have to join, that’s the first step, they have to join the union. And if they are not joining, they can’t complain or they form one of their own.”

This is in response to the concerns of callers on WINN FM’s Voices Programme on Monday (March 3), who raised the issue of the protection of the poor working-class in private sector companies.

Mr. Tak says that workers who join the labour union are given contracts with collective agreements, which have stipulations that protect their rights.

“Well we have contracts at places, and in the collective agreement all is spelt out, including knowing if you will get or raise or not get a raise, at particular times and all kind of benefits there, and we have substitutes at those places, if any issues come up, they will look after them.”

Mr. Tak added that he has written to the Labour Commissioner of the Department of Labour several times about concerns of the union but has received no answer.

“Well since the present government came in, I have written to the Labour Commissioner on several occasions, and they have not answered back at all.”

General Secretary of the St. Kitts and Nevis Trades and Labour Union Batumba Tak speaking to WINN FM on Tuesday


Health, Local news, News


Published: 5 April 2017

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, April 5, 2017 (Press Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister) – St. Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, on Wednesday, April 5, 2017, announced the establishment of a National Commission on Marijuana/Cannabis sativa, to be headed by acting Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. Hazel Laws.

Prime Minister Harris, speaking at his monthly press conference, said the establishment of the National Commission is a follow through of a commitment made by the Team Unity Administration to facilitate national engagement on the issues surrounding the production and use of marijuana in St Kitts and Nevis.

According to the prime minister, the other members of the Commission will be named publicly after discussions have been held with them. Membership is expected to be drawn from education, health, law enforcement, the banking association, religious bodies, the Rastafarian community and youth, among other stakeholders.

Understanding the impact any decision on this highly controversial matter would have on St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr. Harris noted that broad based national discussions; covering health, religion and legal implications; are critically important.

“We wish that the Commission would conduct or utilize research to guide an exhaustive consultation both in St Kitts and in Nevis on this subject matter and make recommendations for consideration by the Cabinet,” the prime minister said. “I expect a vigorous enquiry into the social, economic, health and legal issues surrounding production and marijuana use in St Kitts and Nevis as a precursor to a determination on the current drug classification of marijuana.”

The honourable prime minister pointed out that in 1961, the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotics Drugs; now referred to as the Convention on Psychotropic Substances; described marijuana as a schedule one drug in the same serious category as opium, coca, their derivatives heroin and cocaine.

He further stressed that “one hundred and about eighty plus members of the 193 United Nations body has signed on to this convention, which means the majority of 180 plus of 193 member states of the UN have agreed with the classification of this drug, firstly as a schedule one and now as a schedule two drug, so we are part of a responsible community.”

Dr. Harris used the current situation in Jamaica, where that country’s government has decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use, to strengthen his point of the need for serious consultations.

“We await the outcomes of the consultation on this matter which will have far reaching implications for our health system, our judicial system, our international reputation and perception, and our financial system as banks can be penalized and are being penalized; if we are to draw on the Jamaican experience that has been reported to us; if they accept clients they know are trading now in marijuana, and this follows naturally from the dangerous drugs act which has been passed in many countries and it is a natural follow on from the classification at the UN to which so many countries have become party,” the nation’s leader continued.

In the meantime, Prime Minister Harris reminded all that the use of marijuana in St. Kitts and Nevis is still illegal and called on citizens and residents to abide by the laws of the land.


Crime/Justice, Education, Local news, News


Published: 5 April 2017

Andrew Mosquito speaks to the crowd of mostly school-aged students at the rally
Kadeem Carty delivers powerful message at anti-crime youth

Kadeem Carty delivers powerful message at anti-crime youth

Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 05, 2017 (SKNIS):Recipients of a three-month-long intensive training on combating crime in St. Kitts and Nevis, especially among young people, pledged to take a new path in life and showed appreciation to Dr. Neals Chitan, International Social Skills Consultant and Crime Reduction Specialist, during an anti-crime march and rally held in St. Kitts on Tuesday, April 04, at the Independence Square in Basseterre.

The event, which heard persons shouting the rallying anti-crime cry “Stop ‘n’ Think before you proceed,” came as a result of the successful completion of a powerful social skills campaign that was launched at the Advanced Vocational Education Centre (AVEC) in January 2017. The project was designed to engage strategies to help individuals, families and communities, in the Federation avoid a number of destructive behaviours, including but not limited to, disrespectful confrontations; criminal and violent activities; and impulsive quick reactions.

Speaking at the anti-crime rally, Andrew Mosquito, an AVEC student, reflected on the lessons imparted to him, while noting that they impacted him on both a personal and professional level.

“Dr. Chitan’s presentations were nothing like I have experienced before. The most impressive part about his discussions was that he grasped everyone’s attention using only raw facts. Over the last three months, his wealth of knowledge impacted me in a tremendous way, and the manner in which he broke down realistic situations opened my eyes on life experiences and allowed me to view reality from a different perspective,” said Mr. Mosquito. “Anxiously, I looked forward to attending his sessions because his interesting discussions aroused my curiosity for learning. I feel confident now that I can apply what I have learned to my-day-to day life,” he added.

Mr. Mosquito described Dr. Chitan as brilliant and saluted him for his generosity in putting the programme together. “I know there is much more to learn from you so I am inviting you back to sit with us once again, for as a new leaf turns, there will be new students, fresh minds to teach and more eyes to be opened,” he said, addressing Dr. Chitan at yesterday’s rally.

Kadeem Carty, also a student at AVEC, noted that Dr. Chitan was an exceptional teacher, as he made sure that no student was left behind. He added that Dr. Chitan took a step-by-step approach to ensure that persons understood life, how to go about it, and listened attentively to their impacting stories.

Addressing the mostly school-aged audience, Kadeem then said, “Whatever you can do in life, my [advice] to you is to move forward. Never, ever, let anyone stop your dream. Your dream is your reality, your dream is your success, your dream is phenomenal,” he said, while encouraging persons to stand up and be positive. “Please, St. Kitts and Nevis, why are we ill-treating one another, why are we killing our brother [or sister] when he or she can be loved, when he or she can make a success for St. Kitts and Nevis?”

Mr. Carty encouraged persons to stop and think before they act because doing anything impulsive could harm the country’s tourism product.

Both young men paid recognition to Dr. Chitan for his commitment and dedication to crime-fighting. They extended thanks to him for believing in the students and being a positive role model in the lives of many.

Approximately 308 students across St. Kitts who worked along with Dr. Chitan over the last 12 weeks will graduate on Saturday, April 08 and receive their Life Skills Achievement Certificates. With their certificates now in hand, they will be better equipped to make more informed decisions.

Similarly, a second march and rally is scheduled for Nevis on Thursday, April 06, starting at the Grell-Hull Stevens Netball Complex.

A section of students assembled in the Independence Square for the anti-crime rally

A section of students assembled in the Independence Square for the anti-crime rally


Business, International news, News

World food prices back down in March after two-year high: FAO #

Published: 6 April 2017

World food prices were back down in March after hitting a two-year high last month, with cereal harvests expected to be robust and markets stable this year, the United Nations food agency said on Thursday.

Prices for food products fell for five straight years due to ample supply, a slowing global economy and a strong U.S. dollar but in the last two months the index rose and reached 175.5 points in February, a record high since the same period in 2015.

In March the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) price index, which measures monthly price changes for a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat and sugar, averaged 171 points, down 2.8 percent compared to the previous month.

All food prices were down due to large supplies and the expectation of strong harvests, but meat ones were up 0.7 percent due to high demand for bovine and pig meat from Asia.

FAO forecasts global cereal production to be 2,597 million this year, just under the record output in 2016, because of a reduction in global wheat production and planting cuts expected in Australia, Canada and the United States.

The inching down with respect to last year is mainly due to an expected reduction in global wheat production, due to fall 2.7 percent this year.

Consumption of cereal is expected to grow by 0.8 percent in 2017 to 2,597 million tonnes as the use of grains for biofuels and to feed animals will grow less than in the past.

(Reporting by Giulia Segreti)