Blog, Horoscope

Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder Or Does It Make You Forget?

Published 12 April 2017


Does Absence Make The Heart Grow Fonder Or Does It Make You Forget?

When it comes to romance, we’ve all experienced the unexpected. Love is impossible to predict.

It’s true that not knowing which saying will be true is terrifying. Some days, you might find yourself pining for the other person’s touch.

You might find yourself crying, venting to anyone who will listen and clutching memories of good times in your head like they’re the only things you have left of that person.

His or her texts might make your heart skip several beats, causing you to ignore everything around you, if only to squeeze in a little bit of conversation.

And if you haven’t texted in awhile, you might be hyperaware of every second that passes during which you are not speaking with that person.

Other days, you might find yourself flirting with someone else. You might find yourself dancing at a club without regard, laughing carelessly with friends and having trouble recalling details about your time together. You might go a full day, or two, or five without texting, and you won’t even notice how much time has gone by since you spoke with that person. You might find yourself getting caught up in your own life.

Consistency might become impossible, which is frightening.

Thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to feel like we’re close to someone, regardless of how physically far apart we are. Still, however, physical proximity is important in romance because it’s the only way to achieve real intimacy.

Distance means it’s impossible to touch, smell, listen to or simply be in the presence of the other person whenever you want — all of which are ways human beings show affection.

What happens when you can’t see that person in person? What happens when you forget what they smell like? What happens when you forget what they feel like, or sound like or taste like? You can’t help but wonder if your bond is strong enough to even last the distance if it doesn’t have that physical proximity.

On those days when you crave the other person’s physical closeness, you’ll feel the importance of physical proximity the most.

Your libido will be spiked so high that not even a Skype-sex session or watching your favorite porno will do the trick.

You’ll press your nose into this person’s old T-shirt so forcibly that your face will disappear into the fabric.

You’ll reply recorded video chat conversations and call them a million times just to hear the sound of his or her voice.
But on those days when you don’t crave the physical closeness, you’ll wonder how you ever needed it at all.

Your libido will be so low that you’ll actually find yourself shying away from even listening to your sex playlist on Spotify.

You’ll see his or her old T-shirt as just another pajama shirt, and you’ll be able to get through the day with just a short text message or a viewing of your favorite romantic comedy.

Once again, consistency might become impossible.

The worst part of all of this is you will also have no ideaBecause in addition to feeling anxiety about what will happen to your feelings, you’ll also have anxiety about someone else’s feelings.

Is that person spending his or her time pining over you or letting you fade away? Is that person yearning for your touch, your voice, your scent or forgetting why he or she even needed it in the first place?

Is the other person’s heart growing fonder or is your removal from his or her sight removing you from his or her mind?

Most importantly, are both of your feelings aligning? Are you pining while he or she is letting you fade? Or vice versa?

This situation might feel impossible. How can there be two widely accepted ideas about distance: that it both cultivates and diminishes feelings?
It’s tempting to listen to accepted ways of dealing with problems, especially ones like these that have no real psychological backing.

It’s tempting to hope that whatever situation you’re in will follow a perfect trajectory of either “fondness” or “forgetfulness.”

We want easy solutions to complex problems. We want to know we will be okay.

But romance is not black and white, so in order to figure out if you’ll be okay, you’ll have to focus on the details of the situation — all of the shades and colors with which the situation will be clouded.

Forget the adages. Throw away the clichés. Don’t listen to what anybody — not even anonymous wordsmiths of the era during which these sayings were created — tells you about how your life should unfold. It’s okay if stuff is m


Health, Local news, News

NIA seeking to bring water situation to speedy state of normalcy #

Published 12 April 2017

Hon. Troy Liburd, Junior Minister in the Ministry responsible for Public Utilities on Nevis Hon. Troy Liburd, Junior Minister in the Ministry responsible for Public Utilities on NevisNIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (APRIL 11, 2017) — The Nevis Island Administration is taking the matter of persistent water disruptions seriously and is seeking to bring the situation to a speedy state of normalcy.
Hon. Troy Liburd, Junior Minister in the Ministry responsible for Public Utilities gave the assurance on April 11, 2017, when he spoke to the Department of Information. He said they have been in constant contact with Bedrock Exploration and Development Technologies (BEAD) and are working to remedy the situation which has affected consumers on the island since last year September.
“This situation with the water has been the single highest priority for the Ministry and it is a very high priority for the government. It is not something that we are taking lightly.
“Water, of course, is the most basic thing. We need water for hygiene, we can’t live without water, so it is something that we are taking very, very seriously… We have been working with the company BEAD. They are the ones who operate the well…up to this morning, I spoke with the Chief Executive Officer of BEAD and he is assuring me that we are going to have a solution to that problem shortly,” he said.
The problems stemmed from a failed pump at the Maddens Heights pumping station owned by BEAD. They had been contracted by the NIA in the past to provide a certain quantity of water. The pump which is one of two owned by the company, generates the largest amount of water on the island at 360 imperial gallons per minute.
The well is more than 400 feet below ground and Mr. Liburd said the Ministry has also been looking into longer term solutions to remedy the situation. He expressed hope that they would be expedited and implemented but for the time being they continue to work with BEAD.
Apart from the failed pump, Mr. Liburd spoke of other issues which he said compounded the water disruptions.
“The Water Department is having to deal with the fact that they have lost a significant amount of supply.
“We are dealing with the fact that it is the dry season. We have had to deal with the fact that for significant stretches, the Four Seasons has been full and have been pulling quite a bit of water,” he said.
As a result, the Department has introduced a ration and rotation system. The water supply is turned off from 10 p.m. till 4 certain strategic areas to allow the reservoirs to accumulate water. That way water is available in the mornings.
He used the opportunity to applaud the Nevis Water Department for its sterling efforts during the water challenges.
“The Water Department have been doing a tremendous job. These guys are out whole day and sometimes they are out all night… but this is our top priority and so whatever is to be done will be done,” he said.


Local Sports, Sports

Gulf Insurance Limited recognised for avid sponsorship of Nevis Primary Schools Championship #

Published 12 April 2017

Jamir Claxton, Director of Sports on Nevis and a member of the Nevis Primary Schools Championship’s organising committee presents a token of appreciation to Jason Clarke, Managing Director of Gulf Insurance Limited on April 06, 2017, at Long Point for the company’s avid support to the championships. (L-r) S. Nandpersad, Director of Assuria Group, Gulf’s parent company based in Suriname and John Barkely, Gulf Insurance Limited’s Operations/Claims ManagerJamir Claxton, Director of Sports on Nevis and a member of the Nevis Primary Schools Championship’s organising committee presents a token of appreciation to Jason Clarke, Managing Director of Gulf Insurance Limited on April 06, 2017, at Long Point for the company’s avid support to the championships. (L-r) S. Nandpersad, Director of Assuria Group, Gulf’s parent company based in Suriname and John Barkely, Gulf Insurance Limited’s Operations/Claims ManagerNIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (APRIL 07, 2017) — Management of Gulf Insurance Limited, expressed thanks for recognition of the company’s 25th year of sponsorship to the Nevis Primary Schools Championship by the Departments of Education and Youth and Sports and the Meet Directorate.
Jamir Claxton, Director of Sports on Nevis and a member of the championship’s organising committee, presented a plaque as a token of appreciation to Jason Clarke, Managing Director of Gulf Insurance Limited on April 06, 2017, at the end of a site visit to the MUNDO track under construction at Long Point. The insurance representatives who were on Nevis to witness the 25 championship, left Nevis moments after the tour.
“On behalf of Gulf, I would like to say thank you for this recognition for our support over the last 25 years. We look forward to continuing to support the Nevis primary schools sports for another 25 years and further.
“We believe in the development of the youths. The youths are our future and Gulf is part of the development of the youths of Nevis,” he said.
Lester Blackett, Meet Director of the 25th Nevis Primary Schools ChampionshipLester Blackett, Meet Director of the 25th Nevis Primary Schools ChampionshipS. Nandpersad, Director of Assuria Group, Gulf’s parent company based in Suriname, said supporting the youth and their involvement in sport is important to the company. He pledged continued support for the youths of Nevis in the coming years.
Meantime, he used the opportunity to speak of his impressions of the MUNDO track and his experience at the championships.
“I am very impressed. With all respect, you don’t expect a track like this. What I saw yesterday and still the kids do their utmost to present good times, I think, this will help them out also to go further in the profession in sports.
“I am very impressed and positively impressed. To all you guys who are behind this, keep doing the good job. This is very important, not only the youth but the support for you guys. Mr. Blackett, our efforts are behind you to keep this going up. It’s very important,” he said.
Management of Gulf Insurance Limited touring the MUNDO athletic track under construction at Long Point on April 06, 2017. (L-r) John Barkely, Gulf Insurance Limited’s Operations/Claims Manager, Project Manager Timothy Caines, S. Nandpersad, Director of Assuria Group, Gulf’s parent company based in Suriname and Jason Clarke, Managing Director of Gulf Insurance Limited Management of Gulf Insurance Limited touring the MUNDO athletic track under construction at Long Point on April 06, 2017. (L-r) John Barkely, Gulf Insurance Limited’s Operations/Claims Manager, Project Manager Timothy Caines, S. Nandpersad, Director of Assuria Group, Gulf’s parent company based in Suriname and Jason Clarke, Managing Director of Gulf Insurance LimitedJohn Barkely, Gulf Insurance Limited’s Operations/Claims Manager who has been involved with the championships over the years, acknowledged the recognition and described the new athletic track as a dream come true.
He said the new state-of-the-art track would redound to the benefit of the youth of Nevis and they looked forward to future champions emanating from what he believes will be a great sporting facility.
Also present was Meet Director Lester Blackett and Project Manager of the MUNDO track project Timothy Caines.


Economics, International news, News

The $2 Dollar Bill is America’s Rarest Current #

Published 12 April 2017

$2 Bill History
The $2 Dollar Bill is America’s Rarest Current Denomination of US Currency

The $2 dollar bill is America’s rarest small denomination in the US Currency. The unique history of the $2 bill has given the note an air of mystery and legend. If you have a $2 dollar bill in your wallet, it is always an instant conversation starter at parties and events where tipping is appropriate. This page outlines the history of the $2 dollar bill along with its many changes over the years.

On 25 June, 1776, the Continental Congress authorized the issue of two-dollar bills of credit for the defense of the America. Only 49,000 bills were issued at that time. The two-dollar bill was first commissioned in March, 1862. The two-dollar denomination was discontinued from 1966 until 1976 when use of the two-dollar bill was resumed as part of the United States bicentennial celebration. The two-dollar bill was last issued in 2003.

How Rare is the $2 Dollar Bill?
Low printing numbers starting in the 1950s resulted in the $2 dollar bill becoming the rarest current denomination of US Currency. This rarity caused people to hoard any $2 bills they come across and as a result this decreased the circulation of the $2 dollar bill even more. Today the $2 dollar bill constitute around 1% of all notes in US circulation.

Growing Popularity of the $2 Dollar Bill
Today the $2 dollar bill is growing in popularity. In 2005 alone, 61 million $2 bills were printed. This is more than twice the number of $2 bills that were printed annually between 1990 and 2001.

One reason for the increased popularity is the $2 dollar bill is becoming more frequently used as change where tipping is encouraged. For example, $2 dollar bills are popular in some bars and night clubs, especially gentleman’s clubs and poker rooms. The reason many gentleman’s clubs give change using $2 bills is to encourage larger tips.The $2 dollar bill is also seen as a unique way to give a gift of money.

Is the $2 Dollar Bill Still in Circulation?
There is a common misconception that the $2 bill is no longer in circulation. However, that is not the case as the official Bureau of Engraving and Printing Web site lists the $2 Dollar Bill as one of the U.S. Currency Small Denominations.

What is a $2 Dollar Bill worth?
Typically the $2 bill is worth its face value. Special $2 bills have been made in recent years, however they are not worth anything more than face value on the collectors market and most current $2 bills are not worth much more than their face value.

Legends, Myths and Factoids
Several legends have arisen around the $2 dollar bill over time:
The scene of the Declaration of Independence that appears on the bill’s reverse is not a perfect duplicate of the John Trumbull painting. Five figures were removed to make the image fit the bill
In 2004, President Jefferson’s estate and home Monticello had an admission price of $13. As a results most people required $2 dollars in change. The staff at Monticello would hand out $2 dollar bills featuring President Jefferson’s portrait as change for admission to his estate.
A two-dollar bill is often used as a tracer by small stores to track robberies. A store clerk can keep a two-dollar bill at the bottom of their one-dollar bill slot in the cash drawer with its serial number recorded in case of robbery.
In 2005 Stuart Woods wrote a novel called “Two Dollar Bill.” One of the major characters made it a point to always tip with two-dollar bills.
The two-dollar bill has a long association with horseracing and was popular at racetracks for placing a two-dollar bet.
Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computing, buys two dollars by the sheet from the Treasury Department. He then has them bound into a booklet and the bills act as “tear off” pages.


1862 $2 Legal Tender Note

In March 1862, the first $2 bill was issued as a Legal Tender Note.


This $2 bill features a profile portrait of Alexander Hamilton.
1869 $2 United State Note

By 1869 the $2 United States Note was redesigned with a portrait of Thomas Jefferson. to the left.

The $2 note also features a vignette of the United States Capitol in the center of the obverse (front).
1896 “Educational Series” $2 Silver Certificate

This is an image of the Obverse (front) of the 1896 $2 “Educational Series” Silver Certificate.

This $2 note featured artwork of an allegorical figure of science presenting steam and electricity to commerce and manufacture.
1952 $2 Dollar Bill

In 1953 the $2 bill received design changes similar to the $5 United States Note.

The treasury seal was made smaller and moved to the right side of the bill and it was superimposed over the gray word TWO.

The United States Note obligation also became superimposed over a gray numeral 2.

The reverse (back) featured Thomas Jefferson’s estate and home of Monticello in Virginia.

1976 Bicentennial $2 Dollar Bill

The $2 bills was officially discontinued in August 1966 until 1976 when the Treasury Department reintroduced the $2 bill as part of the United States Bicentennial celebration.

The $2 note was redesigned and issued as a Federal Reserve Note.
Uncut $2 Currency Sheets

Uncut currency sheets are available from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Uncut sheets of $2 bills are available in various sizes. A 32-subject sheet, which is the original size sheet that the notes are printed on, is available. Other sheet sizes available have been cut from the original 32-subject sheet. These include half (16-note), quarter (8-note), and eighth (4-note) sheets for $2 bills.

Uncut sheets range in price from $21 to $90 from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Uncut sheets also come up frequently for auction online on eBay.
(c) 2011 – 2014 – $2 Dollar Bill Company –


Local news, News


Published 12 April 2017


“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Hard times don’t create heroes. A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.”

Today is the 81st Birthday of St.Kitts-Nevis’ ONLY Living National Hero Dr. the Rt Excellent and Rt. Hon Sir Kennedy A Simmonds our country’s FIRST Prime Minister.
We wish Sir Simmonds a glorious and wonderful day today